스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
게임 번호
2019년 7월 20일
Ruminant’s Whimper
Henteko Doujin
중국어 간체, 일본어, 영어, 중국어 번체
1. 한국어화
유저 한국어화
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 10,500
₩ 10,500
4. DLC
5. 트레이딩 카드
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
A legendary SHMUP influential to the best makers in the genre, Hellsinker is now available on steam in its most advanced form!A mindbogglingly deep gameplay experience that gets deeper as your skill progresses.
Intense boss battles one after another.
Fragmented and epodic lore texts leave the player to piece together a story for themselves.
Gameplay, story, graphics, and even music all united into one cohesive and highly dimensional Shoot-em-up!
The world was long ago split in two by the sudden collapse of an advanced civilization and the destruction of the ancient and powerful core mechanism that reigned over it it.GRAVEYARD
A band of those who have great stake in the remains, studiers of the various surviving artifacts of the lost civilization.
Each member's fate was once connected to the remains in some way.
Watchers that live only in obsession. An obsession to sever the fate they are bonded by.
Agents who exist as "Those who must go to the place they are meant to go".
The ceaseless echos of a severed past.
Their devotion is a torch that renders through the darkness and guides them toward their final duty.
The ruins to which they are all bound to by fate...have yet again appeared on the surface world.
Playable Characters
The longest living member of the Graveyard survivors.
Standard.Specializes in cooperative tactics with his Misteltoe, Tobari-Maru.
His narrow range of attack makes him enviable to delicate and precise operations,
But he packs an equally worthy level of firepower.

A female of great latent ability, but whose blindness and poor physical health make her reliant on the support of her Misteltoe.
Effective mainly at subjugating spaces with her wide area of attack, she is also capable of highly powerful single shot attacks.

An androgynous android deity created by a mysterious religious organization long ago.
Their main shot is rather simple , but their innate defensive capabilities and wide AOE attack excel at handling large numbers of targets.
Utilize a plethora of unique skills to attack and maneuver through long intense stages!How you chose to master each character's strengths and weaknesses will be the key to victory.
Whether you take your enemies head on, play it slow and steady, or hit them with precision from a distance...Each play style possesses inherent merits, and inherent faults.
Adaptive on-the-fly strategy and an awareness of your position and targets will also be critical to success.
- 8+ stages that change in form and intensity in real time as you progress.
- 3 characters + a bonus character each with drastically differing play styles to explore.
- Replay function and Boss fight selection mode.
- More than 40 unique tracks of doujin game music.
- 3 element scoring system and online leader boards ranking for each character.
- Limited give-and-take style life point system and bullet guard elements designed to encourage strategy.
- Unique life extend system that can be capitalized on with the right skill and know-how.
- Expanded digital manual with access to gameplay and story information.
- Easy to learn tutorial for basic play and a no-limits practice mode.
7. 도전과제

Over Accumulation
Unleash the 4th level of "Dead array" as DeadLiar

Short is Longer
Use Fossil Maiden’s Bacillus Clock (press and release the discharge button very quickly)

Initiate a boss fight from the "SEGMENT LOCATION" menu (Press the discharge button)

Achieve both a Spirit and a Kill "Breakthrough" in a single game run.(not including the Practice Chamber)

Achieve a Kill "Breakthrough" (Not including the Practice Chamber)

Achieve a Spirit "Breakthrough" (Not including the Practice Chamber)

Big Game
Clear Segment 3L after destroying both CLIONES (large Targets that exist on the right and left sides at the beginning and ends of each field)

Too Much Longer
Activate Fossil Maiden’s Curtain Riser (Hold down the discharge button until the attack self destructs when the time limit is reached)

Deceived Death
"Extend" after losing a life

Self Control
As DeadLiar, maintain a status of SOL:5 and LUNA: H, and fire a prolonged steady stream of "Main Shot".

Blood and Rust
Hear the last words uttered by the Rusted-Dragon

Ember in the Cinder
Complete a segment in FULL SEQUENCE ORDER with only 1 life left (Cannot have used continue)

Collect 100 Spirit with a single "FINELINE" bonus (requires upgraded spirit gauge)

Collect 200 Spirit with a single "FINELINE" bonus (requires upgraded spirit gauge)

Collect 400 Spirit with a single "FINELINE" bonus (requires upgraded spirit gauge)

Collect 800 Spirit with a single "FINELINE" bonus (requires upgraded spirit gauge)

Achieve a Spirit Breakthrough before completing 2 segments in FULL SEQUENCE ORDER

Achieve a Spirit Breakthrough before completing 3 segments in FULL SEQUENCE ORDER

Glorious Symbol
Defeat Glorious-Symbol (Segment 2B boss)

Prove Immortality: Part 1
Earn an "immortal" bonus (not including the Practice Chamber)

Prove Immortality: Part 2
Earn 5 "immortal" bonuses in a single game run (not including the Practice Chamber)

Prove Immortality: Part 3
Earn 10 "immortal" bonuses in a single game run (not including the Practice Chamber)

Prove Immortality:Part 4
Earn 20 "immortal" bonuses in a single game run (not including the Practice Chamber)

Witness the final form of the Segment 5 boss

Visit "Mausoleum" before two segments end in "FULL SEQUENCE ORDER"

As Minogame, Reach over 3000 DPS in the Practice Chamber with "MEASURING INSTRUMENT" set to "INTERVAL 10 seconds".

Lose 9 lives in a single segment without using any continues (not including "Mausoleum" or the Practice Chamber)

Not Today
Start a segment in FULL SEQUENCE ORDER with 0-15 Terra, and finish the sequence without letting your Terra fall to 0 (while also not using any continues)

Collect 60 Spirit with a single "NUTCRACK" bonus (requires upgraded spirit gauge)

Collect 120 Spirit with a single "NUTCRACK" bonus (requires upgraded spirit gauge)

Collect 180 Spirit with a single "NUTCRACK" bonus (requires upgraded spirit gauge)

Collect 240 Spirit with a single "NUTCRACK" bonus (requires upgraded spirit gauge)

Deadline is Nearing
Start a segment in FULL SEQUENCE ORDER with only 0~15 TERRA. (cannot have used continue)

Complete the preliminary Practice Chamber

Soul Evaporation
Witness the secret of the Scarlet-Queen (Segment2L Boss)

After completing a segment in FULL SEQUENCE ORDER with only 1 life left, go on to complete the segment after it. (No skips or continues can be used)

Complete Segment 1L With the maximum level of STELLA (A)

Savage Midnight
Reach STELLA level ‘A’ before any UNCHAINable Targets appear in Segment 1L (Level must be unplugged)

Earn 160 kills before leaving the CHAFF zone at the start of Segment 1L

Mass Destruction
Earn 200 kills before leaving the CHAFF zone at the start of Segment 1L

Earn 50 Spirit before leaving the CHAFF zone at the start of Segment 1L (LEVEL must be unplugged)

So High-Density
Earn 65 Spirit before leaving the CHAFF zone at the start of Segment 1L (LEVEL must be unplugged)

Final Sector
Reach the last SECTOR of Segment 4

Reach Segment 8

Collect the maximum possible amount of crystals in "Mausoleum" (424)

Boundary Between Meaning and Nonsense
Reach the terminus of"Mausoleum"

Stop the Alarm
Destroy a total of 24 different parts from Segment 5 boss’s many different forms.

Throne Deprivation
Destroy the Scarlet-Queen’s Thorned-Tiara (top middle part of Segment 2L boss)

Time is Now
Unlock "Mausoleum" after clearing Segment 7 in FULL SEQUENCE ORDER. (Cannot unlock it during the Segment)(Cannot have used continue)

Earn more than 25 spirit with a single "UNCHAIN" (requires upgraded Spirit gauge)

Earn more than 50 spirit with a single "UNCHAIN" (requires upgraded Spirit gauge)

Earn more than 75 Spirit with a single "UNCHAIN" (requires upgraded Spirit gauge)

Collect 90 Spirit with a single

WELL Practiced
Complete all chapters of the comprehensive Practice Chamber