스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
게임 번호
2019년 9월 24일
영어, 러시아어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 중국어 간체, 한국어, 태국어, 일본어
웹사이트 방문
1. 한국어화
공식 한국어화
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 2,200
₩ 2,200
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
실수 없이 비트에 맞춰 뱀이 이리저리 움직이게 하고 콤보 점수를 획득하여 음식 수집으로 획득하는 포인트를 올리세요! 뱀의 속도는 실시간으로 게임의 리듬에 맞춰 적응하니 조심히 플레이하여 방향 전환 시에 비트를 놓치지 않도록 하세요.
기기에 저장된 음악이라면 모두 고유한 플레이 레벨이 되어 음식을 먹어 포인트를 획득할 수도 있고, 더 높은 멋진 점수를 낼 수 있는 무대가 됩니다. 네 가지 난이도 중에서 각자 원하는 플레이를 고를 수 있으므로 초보자도, 숙련된 플레이어도, 모두 재미있게 즐길 수 있습니다.
같은 기기로 가족과 친구들과 함께 플레이할 수 있습니다: 옛 시절처럼 화면 분할 모드로 해도 되고, 함께 한 보드에서 같이 해도 됩니다!
기기에 저장된 음악이라면 모두 고유한 플레이 레벨이 되어 음식을 먹어 포인트를 획득할 수도 있고, 더 높은 멋진 점수를 낼 수 있는 무대가 됩니다. 네 가지 난이도 중에서 각자 원하는 플레이를 고를 수 있으므로 초보자도, 숙련된 플레이어도, 모두 재미있게 즐길 수 있습니다.
같은 기기로 가족과 친구들과 함께 플레이할 수 있습니다: 옛 시절처럼 화면 분할 모드로 해도 되고, 함께 한 보드에서 같이 해도 됩니다!
- 뱀과 리듬게임의 두 장르의 혼합
- 최대 5인까지 동시 플레이 가능!
- 기본 음악
7. 도전과제
Mandatory Curriculum
Set records on all the default tracks
Set a record on 10 tracks
Snake Master!
Set a record on 100 tracks
Set a record on 20 tracks
Set a record on 50 tracks
Deluxe Duet
Earn more than 10,000 points each in a two-player game
Perfect 3 (difficulty level 1)
Complete a track longer than 3 minutes without making a mistake and collect more than 25 food on difficulty level 1
Perfect 3 (difficulty level 2)
Complete a track longer than 3 minutes without making a mistake and collect more than 25 food on difficulty level 2
Perfect 3 (difficulty level 3)
Complete a track longer than 3 minutes without making a mistake and collect more than 25 food on difficulty level 3
Perfect 3 (difficulty level 4)
Complete a track longer than 3 minutes without making a mistake and collect more than 25 food on difficulty level 4
Perfect 5 (difficulty level 1)
Complete a track longer than 5 minutes without making a mistake and collect more than 25 food on difficulty level 1
Perfect 5 (difficulty level 2)
Complete a track longer than 5 minutes without making a mistake and collect more than 25 food on difficulty level 2
Perfect 5 (difficulty level 3)
Complete a track longer than 5 minutes without making a mistake and collect more than 25 food on difficulty level 3
Perfect 5 (difficulty level 4)
Complete a track longer than 5 minutes without making a mistake and collect more than 25 food on difficulty level 4
Magnificent Quartet
Earn more than 10,000 points each in a four-player game
Fantastic Quintet
Earn more than 10,000 points each in a five-player game
Pass 10000 (difficulty level 1)
Rack up 10000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 1
Pass 10000 (difficulty level 2)
Rack up 10000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 2
Pass 10000 (difficulty level 3)
Rack up 10000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 3
Pass 10000 (difficulty level 4)
Rack up 10000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 4
Pass 20000 (difficulty level 1)
Rack up 20000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 1
Pass 20000 (difficulty level 2)
Rack up 20000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 2
Pass 20000 (difficulty level 3)
Rack up 20000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 3
Pass 20000 (difficulty level 4)
Rack up 20000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 4
Pass 30000 (difficulty level 1)
Rack up 30000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 1
Pass 30000 (difficulty level 2)
Rack up 30000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 2
Pass 30000 (difficulty level 3)
Rack up 30000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 3
Pass 30000 (difficulty level 4)
Rack up 30000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 4
Pass 40000 (difficulty level 1)
Rack up 40000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 1
Pass 40000 (difficulty level 2)
Rack up 40000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 2
Pass 40000 (difficulty level 3)
Rack up 40000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 3
Pass 40000 (difficulty level 4)
Rack up 40000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 4
Pass 5000 (difficulty level 1)
Rack up 5000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 1
Pass 5000 (difficulty level 2)
Rack up 5000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 2
Pass 5000 (difficulty level 3)
Rack up 5000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 3
Pass 5000 (difficulty level 4)
Rack up 5000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 4
Pass 50000 (difficulty level 1)
Rack up 50000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 1
Pass 50000 (difficulty level 2)
Rack up 50000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 2
Pass 50000 (difficulty level 3)
Rack up 50000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 3
Pass 50000 (difficulty level 4)
Rack up 50000 points in a track less than 10 minutes long on difficulty level 4
30-Centimeter Snake
Collect more than 30 food in a track less than 5 minutes long
50-Centimeter Snake
Collect more than 50 food in a track less than 5 minutes long
70-Centimeter Snake
Collect more than 70 food in a track less than 5 minutes long
Fabulous Trio
Earn more than 10,000 points each in a three-player game