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게임 번호
2021 | Wishlist now!
Moral Anxiety Studio
Assemble Entertainment
1. 한국어화
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 11,500
₩ 11,500
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
"RPGs shouldn't have to focus on combat, shouldn't have to even feature it, and an upcoming example of the latter is intriguing text-based RPG Roadwarden."
- PC Gamer
"You get to pet and name your horse, as well as generally be friendly towards them, something that’s apparently usually frowned upon in this universe."
- Rock Paper Shotgun
"I’ll admit, I’m not much of a text adventurer, but Moral Anxiety Studios new title the Roadwarden has me intrigued."
- Geek Native
Do you need some more reading?
Then you should try the free demo of THE INNSMOUTH CASE - a detective adventure in the style of an interactive book inspired by the fantastical works of horror legend H.P. Lovecraft.
게임 정보
Who or what is a Roadwarden?
You are a Roadwarden, a brave stranger putting their life in danger to make a difference in a grim fantasy world. While most people would never risk a solitary journey through the wilder parts of the land, you willingly accept the struggle. You guard travellers, connect isolated villages, support merchants, and repel attacking creatures, bandits, or even undead.What's the story about?
A powerful merchant guild has called on your services, sending you on a journey into the unknown planes of a mysterious peninsula in the hopes to expand the guild’s influence even further. You are meant to explore this place and gather as much information as possible to reveal the secrets surrounding the area. It’s a dangerous task, but an equally respectable one.Other then that, your character will pursue a unique goal selected by you, such as wealth or fame. But do you have the courage to meet all the requirements that define a roadwarden?