스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 9,500
₩ 9,500
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
A PAMP is a powerful mineral which can be used to augment weapons and abilities. All of the PAMPs have been stolen by PAMP Bandits who are creating an army to destroy the world.
Jump straight in with a variety of weapons and fight your way through the hoard.-ENDLESS-
Explore an endless supply of procedurally generated rooms and levels.-UPGRADE-
Collect PAMPs and use them to upgrade and augment your armoury.-BOSSES-
The PAMP Bandits have created many powerful soldiers, some are more dangerous than others.7. 도전과제
Defeat the Elite PAMP Guards
Those guys deserved it!
Explosion Proof
Explosions do absolutely no damage to you. That's very nice!
Get 10 Kills During Focus
You got 10 kills during a single focus! That's very nice!
Carry 50 Grenades
You're going to need a lot of pockets!
Have 200 Health
Feeling healthy. Eat your greens!
Defeat the HELL BOSS
You defeated the HELL BOSS! Good job!
Clear a Floor Without Shooting
Why did you do that? For the achievement? That was silly.
This place is horrible.
Use a Teleporter
You used a teleporter! Technology! Wow!
Unclog the toilet
Thanks for that!
Close All Vents
That smells much better!