스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
게임 번호
Please Be Patient
Please Be Patient
영어, 핀란드어*
*음성이 지원되는 언어
*음성이 지원되는 언어
웹사이트 방문
2. 가격 (KRW)
1년 전
6. 게임 소개
6.1 소개
The Purpose?
To provide a realistic but humorous experience of the Finnish Army around the year 2011. We want you to feel nostalgic! RK 62, M05, hazing / bullying, NBC Alarms (‘suojeluhälytys’)…
The Catch?
The player can relate to the content if she/he has been through the Finnish Army. Strong language, black humor, strict guidelines, repetitive tasks, simple core mechanics are the heart of the game.
The Education?
Ever wondered what your pals experienced during their time in the army? You were in a different platoon and didn’t have a chance to participate in the same training? Now you can choose your own educational branch and see what it’s been like!
The Mechanics?
Remember those good old “track and field” type of games? How about “Tony Hawk” games? This game will feature a lot of mechanics that many will remember from their childhood. Furthermore, RPG elements like dialogues, inventory, player stats, free roaming, skill trees etc. will provide additional depth to the gameplay.
The Story?
The game will have a “meta plot”. The player will be able to reveal army secrets that shouldn’t be commonly known. The player also maintains connection to the outside world by watching TV news and participating in activities during the weekend holidays which both will affect the gameplay.
To provide a realistic but humorous experience of the Finnish Army around the year 2011. We want you to feel nostalgic! RK 62, M05, hazing / bullying, NBC Alarms (‘suojeluhälytys’)…
The Catch?
The player can relate to the content if she/he has been through the Finnish Army. Strong language, black humor, strict guidelines, repetitive tasks, simple core mechanics are the heart of the game.
The Education?
Ever wondered what your pals experienced during their time in the army? You were in a different platoon and didn’t have a chance to participate in the same training? Now you can choose your own educational branch and see what it’s been like!
The Mechanics?
Remember those good old “track and field” type of games? How about “Tony Hawk” games? This game will feature a lot of mechanics that many will remember from their childhood. Furthermore, RPG elements like dialogues, inventory, player stats, free roaming, skill trees etc. will provide additional depth to the gameplay.
The Story?
The game will have a “meta plot”. The player will be able to reveal army secrets that shouldn’t be commonly known. The player also maintains connection to the outside world by watching TV news and participating in activities during the weekend holidays which both will affect the gameplay.