스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 3,300
₩ 3,300
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Oh boy more cheesy fun with 4 different modes
finds your way through the mazes and hope to escape before your opponent
play with cats on or off or maybe find the cheese and unlock the doors or do it all
whatever you choose it will be cheesy fun
maze mode where you and friends race to the finish
cheese mode where you collect cheese to open the doors and race to the finish
cats mode where you avoid the cats and get to the finish
cheese and cats mode is a combination of the 2 the modes, cheese mode and cats mode come together in 1 cheese filled fun
to top it off you can set how many cats you want to turn on, adjust 1 to 4 cats
finds your way through the mazes and hope to escape before your opponent
play with cats on or off or maybe find the cheese and unlock the doors or do it all
whatever you choose it will be cheesy fun
maze mode where you and friends race to the finish
cheese mode where you collect cheese to open the doors and race to the finish
cats mode where you avoid the cats and get to the finish
cheese and cats mode is a combination of the 2 the modes, cheese mode and cats mode come together in 1 cheese filled fun
to top it off you can set how many cats you want to turn on, adjust 1 to 4 cats