게임 번호
Gamma Minus UG
영어*, 독일어*, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 아랍어, 네덜란드어, 포르투갈어, 중국어 간체
*음성이 지원되는 언어
웹사이트 방문



1. 한국어화
3. 평가 (공사중)


4. DLC
5. 트레이딩 카드
7. 도전과제

2. 가격 (KRW)

갱신: 1년 전
세일: -

6. 게임 소개

6.1 동영상

6.2 소개

Rough Justice: '84 is a single-player, time management game, where you run a private security agency. Hire, manage, train and deploy agents; dealing with fugitive recovery, repossession, and private investigative contracts.

As the owner of a private security contracting agency; attempt to bring some form of order to this ever-changing and evolving landscape.

Behind the curtains of this struggle for justice, a much bigger story is playing out – a story involving a secret organization with grand ambitions, that has you in their crosshairs.


  • Train, deploy and manage a team of bounty hunters, repo agents and private investigators.
  • Advise your team on the best course of action, through strategy, calculated decision making and a bit of luck.
  • Increase your reputation through successfully completing contracts, unlocking additional content.


It's 1984, everyone's favorite year, and the port city of Seneca is experiencing a boom. But upstanding citizens aren’t the only Senecans benefiting from the city's spoils. In its underbelly, Seneca's criminals, and worse, are finding homes and lairs in all sectors of society.
You are Jim Baylor; Seneca's former top detective and law enforcement officer fallen from grace. A man falsely accused of crimes he never committed, stripped of rank, title and honor, and incarcerated with the very people he put away.

But you don't stay locked up for long. You're released from jail under questionable circumstances. You seek to clear your name, get the dirt on the people responsible for your demise and discover the greater machinations at play. To that aim, and with the help of friends and former colleagues, you open and run a private security agency that hires, manages, trains and deploys agents all across Seneca.

To root out the cancer gnawing the city you'll have to use all the power and resources available to you from agents, modern surveillance technology, friends in high places, and trust built through your ever-growing network of sources. What better way to righteously clear your name, than by gathering Seneca's best and brightest.


The increasing complexity and volume of law enforcement tasks need support- sometimes Rough Justice is needed. You are the head of an agency – dealing with fugitive recovery, repossession, private investigation and more, sometimes blurring the lines of legality. Your agency isn’t the only one out there, however. The private security sector is a dog-eat-dog industry, and you’ll have to bring your A-game to the table.


The world of Rough Justice is populated by a vast array of characters, each with their own motives and desires.
It’s up to you to filter through the BS, and keep your eye on the ball.


  • Chock-full of pop culture references, tickling your nostalgic dopamine receptors.
  • Original 80’s inspired Game Soundtrack by famed Hollywood composer Raouf Rectobiasi.
  • Ficticous quizzes: learn about how crime works in the world of Rough Justice.
  • Over 100 agents to choose from.
  • Over 10 different licenses to unlock per agent.
  • 18 skills to learn and upgrade per agent.
  • Over 1,000 NPCs, each with their own individual backgrounds.


We take the community’s input very seriously. Listening to the feature requests and feedback from our fans is important to us, that’s why fans can have a direct line to us, via our discord community channel; where they’ll be able to discuss the development of Rough Justice with us. Quite often game developers suffer from tunnel-vision, and we’re no exception. Having a springboard to bounce ideas back and forth with, can be quite refreshing. At the end of the day, our goal is to create a fun experience, and having the community’s direct feedback is essential to this process.


Rough Justice is currently in a state of development and will change considerably throughout this time.

These are just some of the amazing things you will be able to do in ROUGH JUSTICE: '84. More to be revealed soon!