스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
1년 전
6. 게임 소개
6.1 소개
This is a 2 d action puzzle game, the protagonist is a fan of adventure, often meet friends and to explore some suburb, will be in adventures will reap some antiques and treasures, each to a local treasure will reserve a place in advance, you can rest in the night, but they had hidden in the dark has a pair of eyes are staring at their every move, waiting for destroying the killing!The bad guys set traps in the player's resting area and destroy vehicles, and watch from close by, making it impossible for everyone to leave.You have to find a way to survive and escape, find a weapon, call the police, set a trap to kill the bad guy, defeat the bad guy or find the car keys and you will be able to escape.
- You can find the treasure by opening the treasure chest or digging the earth.
- You will have a backpack, clues to solve the mystery, and the items in the backpack can be used to open the chamber of secrets or treasure chest.
- Bad guys can come out with weapons and hunt you down at any time during the adventure or in the retreat.
- Without a weapon it is easy to be slaughtered, find a weapon to defend yourself as soon as possible, and the bad guys will keep coming back to life.
- After completing the clearance, you can return to the city where the main character lives for sale.