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2년 전
₩ 39,100
₩ 39,100
6. 게임 소개
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Steam 독점 특전
In this Steam release, AI Dungeon is offering its first ever unlimited AI experience. On web and mobile versions, free play is governed by an energy system. In this exclusive Steam-only offering, you can play forever without worrying about energy limits.
- Unlimited access to Griffin, our language generation model
- No energy restrictions
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게임 정보
No Rules, No Objective. Only Adventure.
The most popular AI text-based adventure is coming to Steam! AI Dungeon is a text-based, AI-generated fantasy simulation with infinite possibilities. Unlike most games where you experience worlds created by game designers, with AI Dungeon, you can direct the AI to create worlds, characters, and scenarios for your character to interact with. You could lead an army fighting back an alien invasion, be a mythical detective investigating the attempted assassination of the fairy queen, or simply enjoy the pleasures of a simple slice-of-life scenario.Unlimited AI
In this Steam release, AI Dungeon is offering its first ever unlimited AI experience. On web and mobile versions, free play is governed by an energy system. In this exclusive Steam-only offering, you can play forever without worrying about energy limits.- Unlimited access to Griffin, our language generation model
- No energy restrictions