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2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 3,300
₩ 3,300
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Facing an endless onslaught of enemies, fight back to beat your previous high score.
Your quest as the kingdom's most respected knight was doomed from the start, but you cannot give in until the very end.
Into the Knight is an overhead 2D action game that presents a knight’s final struggle as he fights for his life. He embarked on a difficult quest with limited supplies and, consequently, all that he has now is his sword to defend himself. You must help him fend off waves of skeleton enemies while trapped in a single room for as long as you can.
Your quest as the kingdom's most respected knight was doomed from the start, but you cannot give in until the very end.
Into the Knight is an overhead 2D action game that presents a knight’s final struggle as he fights for his life. He embarked on a difficult quest with limited supplies and, consequently, all that he has now is his sword to defend himself. You must help him fend off waves of skeleton enemies while trapped in a single room for as long as you can.