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2. 가격 (KRW)
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개

Get ready for an ego-shooter of a very different kind.

Keep trying – Zombie Apocalypse is a single player game which is made especially for twich streamers and their community
After her parents fell victim to zombies after a terrible incident, 19 year old Faith sets off to find her younger brother Jo. She shows no mercy towards the zombies.

Prove yourself fighting against zombies in the role of Faith in different levels – the best thing is: your community helps you. Your community is able to support you during your fight against the undead monsters with munitions and new weapons. Watch out: Simultaneously they can also set a new horde of zombies.

But there is much more in this game:
- Choose between three different long-range weapons:
- pistol: infinite munition but little damage
- rifle: 300 munition and medium shooting speed but little damage
- shotgun: little munition but high damage
- pistol: infinite munition but little damage
- Collect useful items such as munitions, gold and booster for more life points, more damage and more attack speed
- Experience points save you risings into higher levels with even more challenges
- Defeat the final enemy and stop the zombie apocalypse
And don’t forget: “What is dead once, should stay dead.”