스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
1년 전
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Welcome to your nightmare
Nightmare Party is a 5 player co-op multiplayer horror FPS developed in Unreal Engine 5.
You are trapped and your goal is to solve riddles, complete tasks and find the exit key while a demon and its minion(s) try to kill you.
- solve riddles and complete various tasks with your friends to obtain keys and other objective items
- in some scenarios teamplay is crucial
- loot ammo, sedatives and painkillers to survive
- kill enemies or run and hide
- keep your madness level under 100 or you lose HP and die eventually
- your final goal is to find the entrance key and escape the level
The Enemy
When the demon spawns you can run and hide or try to kill it. Be aware, if it catches you, you die and your madness can go up pretty quickly!
The demon also has minions, they are less powerful but are deadly too.
Nightmare Party is a 5 player co-op multiplayer horror FPS developed in Unreal Engine 5.
You are trapped and your goal is to solve riddles, complete tasks and find the exit key while a demon and its minion(s) try to kill you.
- solve riddles and complete various tasks with your friends to obtain keys and other objective items
- in some scenarios teamplay is crucial
- loot ammo, sedatives and painkillers to survive
- kill enemies or run and hide
- keep your madness level under 100 or you lose HP and die eventually
- your final goal is to find the entrance key and escape the level
The Enemy
When the demon spawns you can run and hide or try to kill it. Be aware, if it catches you, you die and your madness can go up pretty quickly!
The demon also has minions, they are less powerful but are deadly too.