스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
1년 전
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Max is a twenty-something trying to make a living in the big city. He shares a little flat with his messy friend Mica, he finished his degree too long ago and still can't find a job. Time passes and the day to pay rent is approaching… again!
Up to now, these were some of his most common problems. Now let's say he has a much bigger one: he becomes giant everytime he hears the word 'FUTURE'.
Everyday situations, social relationships and the efforts to move forward will be intertwined, with this peculiar problem, in a contemporary adventure set in a city whose resemblance to Madrid or Barcelona is just a coincidence.
Meet Max -and a bunch of charismatic characters- and find out what's happening to him in this story about growing up and realizing things aren't quite the way we expected them to be.
But first, you should find a way to pay rent...
- Renewed point & click mechanics in a peculiar graphic adventure about growing up (too much).
- Detailed and colorful hand-crafted scenarios filled with pop culture references.
- Contextual puzzles! Use your surroundings to help Max get out of the craziest situations.
- Fun and varied mini-games that refresh the gameplay. Each one is different!
- Narrative spiced up with humor in a world where it gets harder to find reasons to laugh.
- Charismatic characters full of life and completely animated (although this doesn't mean they have happy lives).