스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
게임 번호
Winter 2022
Pasteq Studio
Pasteq Studio
영어, 프랑스어
웹사이트 방문
2. 가격 (KRW)
1년 전
6. 게임 소개
6.1 소개
The President is a turn-based management and political simulation game that allows the player to take control of a nation by playing as its leader. He must manage the internal and external policies of his nation in order to satisfy the expectations of his people and meet the many challenges of the 21st century. Like most management and simulation games, The President does not have a goal in itself, the player seeks above all to satisfy the objectives he has set for himself. The game ends when the player is not re-elected or is impeached.
While the democratic process is not accurately portrayed, most of its components are retained, including the voting system. The interactions within political life are, however, fantasized. Scandals, often inspired by real political affairs, are a regular feature of the news. At each round, events have a probability of occurring. They can be random or linked to the player's previous actions. These events confront the player with a problem to which he must respond from among the multiple choices offered to him.
While the democratic process is not accurately portrayed, most of its components are retained, including the voting system. The interactions within political life are, however, fantasized. Scandals, often inspired by real political affairs, are a regular feature of the news. At each round, events have a probability of occurring. They can be random or linked to the player's previous actions. These events confront the player with a problem to which he must respond from among the multiple choices offered to him.
Key features
- A hundred laws can be voted on
- Two hundred members of parliament vote individually
- The player can play as existing political figures
- And also create one thanks to our character generator
- The membership of a figure to a party is dynamic: a political figure can join several different parties during a game.
- It is possible to create a party or to join an existing one.
- Each party and each figure has a political identity determined by their ideological positioning. The political identity of a figure determines in part the choice of the deputy during a vote.
- The player can decide at any time on a ministerial reshuffle, or on a simple allocation of a position among a dozen to be filled.
- In each round, events have a probability of occurring. They can be random or linked to the player's previous actions. These events confront the player with a problem to which he or she must respond from among the multiple choices offered.
- The player's assistant has the ability to spy on the figures in the game and discover their darkest secrets.
- Political Influence (PI) is a resource representing the influence a government or statesman has on the political affairs of his country. It is the player's main resource, which he can spend throughout the game.