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₩ 2,300
₩ 2,300
5. 트레이딩 카드
6. 게임 소개
6.1 소개
Che Guevara's legacy is as living as Mao's. Intervene in the history of the South American states, change their destiny, show them the right path. But at the same time, do not forget your home, where you will now be able to make many more flexible decisions:
- a separate window with South America and the mechanics of influencing them: both through buttons and events (about 40 new events). But beware: choices in events will determine your strategy in the region!
- a new window with 14 decisions related to important domestic and foreign issues in China
- over 20 new endings related exclusively to your choices!
- and, of course, new achievements!
Good luck with the overthrows, comandante!
- a separate window with South America and the mechanics of influencing them: both through buttons and events (about 40 new events). But beware: choices in events will determine your strategy in the region!
- a new window with 14 decisions related to important domestic and foreign issues in China
- over 20 new endings related exclusively to your choices!
- and, of course, new achievements!
Good luck with the overthrows, comandante!