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6. 게임 소개
6.1 소개
In the year AW 2284, planet Motavia is once again plagued by strange bio-creatures, and it’s up to the brave men and women of the Hunters Guild to exterminate them.
You are Chaz Ashely, a rookie Hunter straight out of training who is supported by Alys Brangwin – a crafty veteran whose good looks and prowess with the blade have earned her an awesome reputation. The two Hunters along with a cast of supporting characters will go beyond Motavia to unwittingly save their entire solar system.
You are Chaz Ashely, a rookie Hunter straight out of training who is supported by Alys Brangwin – a crafty veteran whose good looks and prowess with the blade have earned her an awesome reputation. The two Hunters along with a cast of supporting characters will go beyond Motavia to unwittingly save their entire solar system.