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1년 전
6. 게임 소개
6.1 소개
Dwarfs fight is the 100% free-to-play online tactics game that emphasizes competition between players.
- Position your dwarves strategically without RNG
- Intensify your tactics by recruiting new dwarves
- Use their unique abilities to create your tactics
- Cause your enemies to make mistakes that will be fatal to them.
- Destroy your enemies.
- Form your team among dwarves with unique abilities and choose your own strategy!
- Join the 2 million different games possible
- Choose your team from the 12 available dwarfs
- Rally a matchmaking and ELO system for balanced matches!
- Reap the rewards of dynamic leaderboards that reset throughout the seasons.
- Evolve through different leagues
- Inspect other players' matches to hone your tactics.
- Customize your favorite Dwarves with skins to represent your personality to the max.
- Stand out from your opponents by customizing your dwarves with cosmetics that don't impact gameplay.
- Go into battle with style!