스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
83게임 번호
2014년 10월 21일
KillHouse Games
KillHouse Games
영어*, 스페인어 - 스페인, 폴란드어, 러시아어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 일본어, 중국어 간체
*음성이 지원되는 언어
*음성이 지원되는 언어
웹사이트 방문
1. 한국어화
유저 한국어화
(736) http://blog.naver.com/koojh92/220595427967
Kalimeris님 제작
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 21,500
₩ 21,500
4. DLC
5. 트레이딩 카드
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Steam Workshop
The built in Level and Mission Editor makes it easy to create custom levels and share them with the community. And its easy to create new weapons and gear too, check out the madness in our workshop - over 1500 user mods to choose from!
Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Italian translations are available through mods!
Steam Workshop
The built in Level and Mission Editor makes it easy to create custom levels and share them with the community. And its easy to create new weapons and gear too, check out the madness in our workshop - over 1500 user mods to choose from!
Chinese, Korean and Italian translations are available through mods!
게임 정보
Door Kickers is an innovative realtime strategy game that puts you in charge of a SWAT team and lets you command them during a tactical intervention.Analyze the situation, plan team routes, choose equipment and breach points and coordinate multiple troopers to reach the hostage room before the bad guys get to press that trigger.
It may sound daunting, and like real world CQB combat, it sure is. But most levels can be completed in minutes and on the fly improvisation works. Achieving the perfect planning, getting the mission done with no false steps, that’s a skill harder to master.
Quick Points:
- 2D, Top Down for optimal tactical analysis
- Real Time With Free Pause
- No turns, no hexes, no action points or awkward interfaces
- Realistic but action packed
- Non-linear levels, freeform gameplay
- Mission editor and modability
- Unlimited gameplay via mission generator and level editor
- Single Player
- Online Cooperative Multiplayer (2 players)
Read more about the game at http://www.doorkickersgame.com
7. 도전과제
Against the Odds
Fully complete campaign "Suits and Ski-Masks"
All around capability
Unlock all playable classes
All hell breaks loose
Fire a total of 10000 rounds.
Better be Adamantium
Unlock the Shield Class
Blind as a bat
Hit 5 enemies with the same Flashbang.
Cell Crusher
Fully complete campaign "The Cell"
Community Server
Fully complete campaign "A Hard Day's Work"
Counter Terrorists Win
Defuse 100 bombs.
Door Kicker
Breach 400 doors.
Drug Buster
Fully complete campaign "Drug Bust"
Elite Task Force
Get two stars in every Single Mission.
Enough for a Spark
Get 13 stars
Enough for a Union
Get 50 stars
Every life matters
Save your first hostage
First time is easy
Defuse your first bomb
I'm getting good
Complete 10 missions
Hands in the air
Arrest 100 enemies.
Win a campaign in Iron Man Mode.
He can do it
Get your first One Man Army Medal
Hunker down!
Have a shield unit kill three enemies without moving.
I'm doing it
Get your first No Pause Medal
I've seen it all
Level-up a trooper to maximum level.
Just one more
Complete 150 missions.
Keep Walking
Walk total 10000 meters.
Complete a mission arresting 6 or more bad guys and without killing any.
Lone Wolf
Get 30 One Man Army Medals.
Lucky guy
Handcuff your first bad guy
Kill 1000 enemies.
No door too strong
Unlock the Breacher class
Now I have a machinegun
Unlock the Assaulter class
Persistence is key
Get a 3 star result as an "improved result" on a mission
Quick Thinker
Get 30 No Pause Medals.
Fully complete campaign "Terror at Sea"
Special Weapons and Tactics
Get one star in every Single Mission.
Get 30 Perfect Plan Medals.
Swift and Deadly
Kill 10 bad guys within 5 seconds, without letting them fire a shot.
Textbook Material
Get three stars in all Single Missions.
They can do it
Get your first Perfect Plan Medal
Total Luck
Defuse a bomb with less than 1 second left.
We know it all
Level-up your squad to maximum level.
We unlocked it all
Unlock all equipment / weapons.
We've seen it all
Have a squad of fully leveled up troopers.