게임 번호
2018년 9월 21일
Stardock Entertainment
Stardock Entertainment
영어*, 프랑스어, 독일어, 중국어 간체, 노르웨이어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 핀란드어, 이탈리아어, 러시아어
*음성이 지원되는 언어
웹사이트 방문



1. 한국어화
3. 평가 (공사중)

2. 가격 (KRW)

갱신: 1년 전
원가: ₩ 39,060
세일: -60%
세일 종료: 일주일 내내 할인! 남은 시간:
판매가: ₩ 15,620

4. DLC

5. 트레이딩 카드

6. 게임 소개

6.1 동영상

6.2 소개

외계 문명, 새롭고 이국적인 세계, 심장 뛰는 전투, 직접 밝혀내야 할 깊고 풍부한 역사로 가득한, 살아 숨 쉬는 은하계를 탐험하세요!

지구 최초의 성간 우주선 선장으로 부임한 것을 축하하네! 경사로구먼. 그렇고말고. 좋은 일이지, 암. 그런데... 스크라이브라는 한 사나운 외계 종족이 우리 인류를 몰살시키려고 한다더군. 뭐, 입에 올리기 민망할 정도로 사소한 문제지만 말일세. 자, 자네가 함선을 이끌고 출항하여 외계인을 찾아내게. 또, 일명 '선각자의 유물'을 찾아내서 우주선을 업그레이드하는 거야. 자넨 인류의 구원자이니 아무쪼록 조심해서 임무를 수행하게. 그렇다고 중압감을 느낄 필요까진 없다네. 겨우 인류의 미래가 자네의 두 어깨에 달렸을 뿐이니 말일세.


  • 사악하고 터무니없는 외계인을 만나보세요.
  • 살아 숨 쉬는 우주를 탐험해보세요. 그곳을 항해한다는 사실을 쉽게 믿을 수 없을 겁니다.
  • 지금까지 본 적 없는 놀라운 세계를 여행하면서 유적, 선각자의 유물 및 다양한 보물을 찾아내세요.
  • 수억 년 전으로 거슬러 올라가는 깊은 역사를 지닌 우주. 그곳을 수놓은 수십만 개의 행성을 탐험해보세요.
  • 우주선을 직접 설계하거나 Steam에서 다운로드하여 함대를 구축하고 함대전에 투입해보세요!
  • 우주를 만들거나 다른 이들의 우주를 다운로드하여 저마다의 독특한 역사, 별, 행성, 외계인, 우주선 및 모험을 발견해보세요.
  • 개발팀과 직접 소통하고 나만의 아이디어를 게시하세요. 멋진 게임을 만드는 데 동참할 수 있답니다!

자, 설명은 이쯤에서... 어서 합류하세요!

7. 도전과제

Face Plant
Land outside the landing zone.
Flu Shot
Become infected by the Pinthi.
Find a better way to cuddle.
Kzanti Killer
Defeat 10 Kzanti ships during the campaign.
Collect 100 meat.
Collect one special egg.
Win your first Fleet Battle.
Plain Ribbon
Lose a Fleet Battle.
Win 100 Fleet Battles.
Best-est Ribbon
Lose 100 Fleet Battle matches.
Win a Fleet Battle without losing ships.
Win 10 Fleet Battles.
Fancy Ribbon
Lose 10 Fleet Battle matches.
Mysterious Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match with these mysterious aliens.
Drenkend Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Drenkend.
Greegrox Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Greegrox.
Harmony Fighter
Win Fleet Battles with the Harmony Fighter
Inamorata Strike
Win Fleet Battles with the Inamorata Strike
Kzanti Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Kzanti.
The Measured Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Measured.
Menkmack Opportunist
Win Fleet Battles with the Menkmack Opportunist
Menkmack Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Menkmack.
Mowlings Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Mowlings.
Muaertreaze Fighter
Win Fleet Battles with the Muaertreaze Fighter
Mu'Kay Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Mu'Kay.
Norast Diamond
Win Fleet Battles with the Norast Diamond
Phamysht Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Phamysht.
Pinthi Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Pinthi.
Radiant Angel
Win Fleet Battles with the Radiant Angel
Win Fleet Battles with the Scavenger
Scryve Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Scryve.
Shantid Destroyer
Win Fleet Battles with the Shantid Destroyer
Trandal Overwhelmer
Win Fleet Battles with the Trandal Overwhelmer
Trandals Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Trandals.
Tywom Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Tywom.
Vulzon Galley
Win Fleet Battles with the Vulzon Galley
Xelnathi Conqueror
Win Fleet Battles with the Xelnathi Conqueror
Xraki Captain
Win a Fleet Battle match as the Xraki.
Xraki Horror
Win Fleet Battles with the Xraki Horror
Win "Athara."
Battle of Mars
Win the "Battle of Mars."
Callum's Deep
Win "Callum's Deep."
Deep Space
Win "Deep Space."
Master Cyborg
Win a Fleet Battle on the hardest difficulty.
Win "Maelstrom."
One Percent
Have 50,000 RUs in the bank.
Can you hear me now?
Humans Are Survivors
Complete the main campaign.
Are You Proud Of Yourself?
Win the game in a mostly benevolent manner.
You Did What You Had To
Win the game in a not terribly benevolent manner.
First Contact: Mysterious Aliens
Meet the Mysterious Aliens.
First Contact: Drenkend
Meet the Drenkend.
First Contact: Greegrox
Meet the Greegrox.
First Contact: Jeff
Meet Jeff.
First Contact: Kzanti
Meet the Kzanti.
First Contact: The Measured
Meet The Measured.
First Contact: Menkmack
Meet the Menkmack.
First Contact: Mowlings
Meet the Mowlings.
First Contact: Mu'Kay
Meet the Mu'Kay.
First Contact: Norast
Meet the Norast.
First Contact: Phamysht
Meet the Phamysht.
First Contact: Pinthi
Meet the Pinthi.
First Contact: Scryve
Meet the Scryve.
First Contact: Trandals
Meet the Trandals.
First Contact: Tywom
Meet the Tywom.
First Contact: Xraki
Meet the Xraki.
Create a ship in the ship builder.
Discover a new solar system.
Took The Bait
Accept the Trandals' upgrades.
Wymdoo joins your crew.
Away Crew
Successfully land on a planet.
Kill an innocent alien critter.
Kill a drone.
Red Shirts
Lose a lander on a planet.
Boldly Going Somewhere
Enter hyperspace for the first time.
Ice Road Spacer
Find one ice world for the Mu'Kay.
The Codex
Open the codex.
Discovered a rainbow world.
Sell 20 live critters.
Meat Trader
Sell 20 pieces of critter meat.
One Small Step
Start the campaign.
Set to Stun
Stun 10 Critters.
Hail Mail
Hail 10 alien vessels.
Put Your Feet Up
Use auto-pilot 10 times.
Stellar Cartography
Open the Sector map 10 times.
Sad Face
Make the Tywom cry.
Visit 100 star systems.