스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
1. 한국어화
유저 한국어화
(192) https://sunice.tistory.com/20
제작자 : 수나이스
(53) https://sunice.tistory.com/5
데모판 한글 패치 제작자 : 수나이스
(51) https://blog.naver.com/dkfvls1/223477129675
데모판 한글 패치 제작자 : 으잌
2. 가격 (KRW)
3개월 전
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Amanda the Adventurer 2 follows Riley Park, who, after seeing what was contained on the mysterious tapes in their attic, travels to the Kensdale Public Library to investigate further. Upon arriving, they're greeted by a masked figure who claims to know their Aunt Kate, before she died and needs their help finding something Aunt Kate had left in the library. They also warn of a powerful entity that seems to be drawn to the tapes.
Meanwhile, Amanda is now aware of Riley's presence, and is doing everything to find a way to free herself. Suddenly, the stakes are higher than ever before, as it's not just Amanda looking for Riley now...
- Interactive cartoons return! Talk directly to Amanda like before, but now your input has a bigger effect on her world
- New interaction type: GET UP! Go out and explore the environment to find something Amanda asks for, or don't! See how she responds!
- New Area: Kensdale Public Library - You're not at Aunt Kate's anymore! Explore a bigger environment with even more secrets and lore to find!
- New Friends! Neither Riley or Amanda will be alone on their adventures with friends by their side!
- Dig even deeper into the story of Amanda, Riley and Aunt Kate, and the sinister production of Amanda the Adventurer to unfold a horrifying history
Get ready for an adventure!