스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
1. 한국어화
유저 한국어화
(84) https://sunice.tistory.com/9
제작자 : 수나이스
2. 가격 (KRW)
3개월 전
₩ 3,400
세일 종료:
출시 기념 할인! 종료일: 2024년 9월 3일
₩ 2,890
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Urayama | ウラヤマ is a psychological J-horror game featuring students on summer vacation.
He senses the presence of someone in Urayama.
・VHS effects (can be turned off in settings)
・Two endings
If you would like, we would appreciate it if you could include this store page URL in the summary section of the distribution page, etc.
A student on summer vacation heads to Urayama, which is rumored to be haunted.He senses the presence of someone in Urayama.
Game Features
・Mainly a first person walking simulator.・VHS effects (can be turned off in settings)
・Two endings
About the distribution of the game
Welcome. No prior notice is required.If you would like, we would appreciate it if you could include this store page URL in the summary section of the distribution page, etc.