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1. 한국어화
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 16,500
₩ 16,500
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Amazing Frog? is a Hardcore Parkour, openworld buffet of bonkers physics sandbox ...ness.
Welcome to the town of Swindon, UK. Home to flatulent superhero, Amazing Frog?
Welcome to the town of Swindon, UK. Home to flatulent superhero, Amazing Frog?
Amazing Frog? Key features:
- Explore SwindonShire and other worlds
- Up to 4 player split screen
- A whole bunch of vehicles
- A whole bunch of weapons
- A whole bunch costumes to unlock
- ridiculous ragdolls, trampolines, cannons and explosions?
- Sharks and other beasts...naturally
- Ocean
- Drones and Helicopters
- Fully fitted Fart Gym
- Underground Zombie Frogs in the Sewers
- and a whole lot of mystery...