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2년 전
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Lif, The Animal MMO
Live your life as an animal in its natural setting in this multiplayer game. Hunt, graze or forage in the undergrowth for food, drink from the lakes, you can even swim! Fight and kill or chat and make friends, even forge families together (yes, you can have babies!)
Ever dreamed of prowling the plains of Africa as a lion, soaring as en eagle over Tundra, scuttling as a lizard over a Saharan dune, or what it would be like surviving as a tasty rabbit in a woodland of hungry animals?
Well now you can. Lif is a unique animal multiplayer game, where you and other players can choose your animal and enter the worlds of Lif. Different environments, different animals- you must survive, hunt, eat, drink, rest, scavenge, attack, defend, chat and even breed and have families with other players in this simulation of nature's Life.
Update Added: Tundra, Desert levels and loads new animals!!