스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
게임 번호
2016년 6월 3일
Anima Project
BadLand Publishing
영어*, 프랑스어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 중국어 간체, 이탈리아어
*음성이 지원되는 언어
*음성이 지원되는 언어
웹사이트 방문
1. 한국어화
공식 한국어화
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 21,000
₩ 21,000
5. 트레이딩 카드
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Anima: Gate of Memories is a third person action RPG that tells the story of two beings bound by an unwilling pact, an ancient monster and a girl who lost her past...
Forced to stay together, their lives will take a unexpected turn when both discover that something darker than they could imagine is about to start, a war in the shadows in which they will have a leading role.
Anima: Gate of Memories brings to videogames the world of Gaia from the Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG table-top books. You will enjoy a deep and multifaceted story where your choices and actions directly impact the journey and decide the fate of the characters.
• Epic battles with formidable opponents. Challenge many legendary entities, each with their own special features and game play.
• A deep combat system. A combat system which combines RPG elements with fast paced action and spectacular attacks and spells.
• Unique locations. Travel through the tower of Arcane and the world of Gaia across stunning backgrounds and places.
• A huge world. You can move with great freedom, visiting different locations and giving you the option to always retrace your steps to revisit areas, discover new secrets and unlock access to previously inaccessible places.
Forced to stay together, their lives will take a unexpected turn when both discover that something darker than they could imagine is about to start, a war in the shadows in which they will have a leading role.
Anima: Gate of Memories brings to videogames the world of Gaia from the Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG table-top books. You will enjoy a deep and multifaceted story where your choices and actions directly impact the journey and decide the fate of the characters.
Dual characters
In Gate of Memories you control two different characters, Ergo and The Bearer of Calamities, and you can exchange from one to another thanks to the special synergy they have. What makes this system truly unique is that both are not "physically" present at once, but we can invoke the other even in the middle of any action, continuing the movement and creating spectacular combos. Each character also has at its disposal a large set of special skills that you will be able to develop and customize as in a traditional RPG.Features
• A deep and multifaceted story. The player’s choices and actions will influence the journey and decide the destiny of the characters.• Epic battles with formidable opponents. Challenge many legendary entities, each with their own special features and game play.
• A deep combat system. A combat system which combines RPG elements with fast paced action and spectacular attacks and spells.
• Unique locations. Travel through the tower of Arcane and the world of Gaia across stunning backgrounds and places.
• A huge world. You can move with great freedom, visiting different locations and giving you the option to always retrace your steps to revisit areas, discover new secrets and unlock access to previously inaccessible places.
7. 도전과제
한밤의 잡담
에르고와 할 수 있는 모든 대화를 끝마치십시오.
궁극의 수집가
모든 아이템과 무기, 유물을 수집하십시오.
좋은 기억
모든 기억을 획득하십시오.
전설의 기억
안젤루스를 획득하십시오.
수수께끼의 장소
아케인에 도착하십시오.
피로 물든 보상
피의 돌을 주인에게 주십시오.
어둠의 자식
조나단 카펠을 무찌르십시오.
몰락한 자
드루아가를 무찌르십시오.
내면의 악몽
악몽의 군주 말레키스를 무찌르십시오.
이름없는 전령
처음으로 이름없는 전령을 무찌르십시오.
인형술사 나스칼을 무찌르십시오.
부자의 것을 빼앗아 독차지하십시오!
결말: 궁극의 괴물
나쁜 결말로 게임을 완료하십시오.
결말: 원했던 모든 것
최악의 결말로 게임을 완료하십시오.
결말: 너무 유능해서 탈이야!
웃긴 결말로 게임을 완료하십시오.
결말: 이른 결말
이른 결말로 게임을 완료하십시오.
진정한 결말
진정한 결말로 게임을 완료하십시오.
첫 번째 처치
기억의 기사를 처치하십시오.
사슬을 부수는 자
모든 포로들을 해방하십시오.
진정한 힘
레벨 20에 도달하십시오.
반복되는 기억
새 게임+로 게임을 완료하십시오.
저 머나먼 위층으로!
위층으로 가는 길을 여십시오.
진정한 괴물
비밀 보스를 무찌르십시오.