게임 번호
2013년 12월 6일
Square Enix
Square Enix
영어, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인
웹사이트 방문



1. 한국어화
3. 평가 (공사중)


2. 가격 (KRW)

갱신: 1년 전
세일: -

6. 게임 소개

6.1 동영상

6.2 소개

It is a time of war. Galbadia, a Global Superpower, has declared war on Dollet, a country whose training academy is home to two personalities: the hot-headed Seifer and the 'lone wolf', Squall Leonhart. Both are equally at conflict with each other as their country is with Galbadia; to others, Squall appears lacking in team spirit, while Seifer lacks the discipline of his rival. However, a chance encounter with the free-spirited Rinoa Heartilly turns Squall's universe upside down; having thrived on discipline, Squall find the carefree Rinoa fascinating. He also begins to dream that he is Laguna Loire, a Galbadian army soldier…

Meanwhile, a sorceress manipulates the most powerful men in Galbadia.
Will Squall and his party succeed in defeating this maniacal sorceress and saving their world?
What part does the mysterious Laguna play? Only you can decide what happens next, as the greatest Role Playing Adventure of all time returns...

Key Features:

  • Magic Booster

    When Magic Booster is used, the player’s inventory of the following spells is increased by 100:

    Cure, Cura, Curaga, Fire, Fira, Blizzard, Blizzara, Thunder, Thundara, Sleep, Blind, Silence, Berserk, Bio, Esuna, Aero, Confuse, Break, Zombie

    This feature can be used from the launcher.

  • Chocobo World

    This version of FFVIII includes the full game “Chocobo World” that was released as a separate application for previous versions. It is possible to play “Chocobo World” directly from the launcher after booting up FFVIII and by fulfilling certain specific conditions in the main game you will also be able to synchronise data between the two games.

New Game Boosters:

  • High Speed Mode
    All scenes (including cutscenes, movies and battles, etc.) can be fast-forwarded. (Fast-forward speeds vary by cutscene, but average about five times normal speed.)
    * CAUTION, certain computers may not be able to process the game with High Speed Mode. If the game crashes while in High Speed Mode, please restart the game and refrain from using High Speed Mode.

  • Battle Assistance
    Grants the following advantages in battle:
    -ATB gauge always full
    -HP always full
    -Limit Break always available
    *Characters die instantly when suffering damage that exceeds their HP.

  • 9999
    Normal attacks, certain Limit Breaks, and certain G.F. attacks deal 9,999 damage.

  • AP MAX
    Sets level and AP of all acquired G.F. to max when used on the world map. 
    *May not function properly when used during event cutscenes.
    *These commands can only be executed via keyboard.

  • Magic and Gil MAX
    Sets inventory of each acquired magic spell to 100 and sets gil to maximum limit
    *Cannot be used on menu screens, during cutscenes, in combat or at shop. Usable when moving between areas while playing Laguna's Dream.
    *These commands can only be executed via keyboard.

7. 도전과제

Blue Magic Master
Learn all of Quistis' limit breaks
Capture a Chocobo
Card player
Play Triple Triad
Cards Club Master
Defeat every member of the CC Group
Top Level Boko
Reach level 100 with Boko
Choco loot
Acquired an item from Chocobo World
Collect all cards
Dog Trainer
Learn all of Rinoa's limit breaks
Draw (Stock) magic from enemies 100 times
End of Game
Finish the game
Contrived Finish
Finish the game with Squall's initial level
Find Ragnarok
Lose a rare card in a Triple Triad game
Magic Miner
Draw magic 100 times from draw points
Obel Lake Secret
Complete the Obel Lake side quest
Maximum Gil
Reach maximum Gil
Maximum HP
Reach maximum HP
Top Rank
Reach SeeD rank A
First salary
Get your first salary from SeeD
Timber Maniacs
Collect all Timber Maniacs magazines
100 kills
Kill 100 enemies
1000 kills
Kill 1000 enemies
Complete the PuPu side quest
Unlock Guardian Force Alexander
Unlock Guardian Force Brothers
Unlock Guardian Force Cactuar
Unlock Guardian Force Carbuncle
Unlock Guardian Force Cerberus
Unlock Guardian Force Diablos
Unlock Guardian Force Doomtrain
Unlock Guardian Force Ifrit
Unlock Guardian Force Leviathan
Unlock Guardian Force Pandemona
Unlock Guardian Force Quezacotl
Unlock Guardian Force Shiva
Unlock Guardian Force Siren
Unlock Guardian Force Tonberry
Upgrade your weapon