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6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Yes, this is your grandfather's Creeper World 2. Now on Steam and with two new and amazing soundtracks from Finn M-K, the composer who did the OST scores for Creeper World 3 and Particle Fleet!
Deceptively simple... amazingly deep.
Creeper World 2 thrusts you into the 14th millennium fighting and enemy that flows and oozes through the terrain. Employ advanced weapons,gravity manipulating repulsors, wormhole like rifts, and your own wit against this never yielding enemy. Excavate terrain, unearth techs, crystals, remnants and other artifacts. Face a new mechanical enemy that employs gravity manipulation against you. Join the fight to save humanity now!
Deceptively simple... amazingly deep.
Creeper World 2 thrusts you into the 14th millennium fighting and enemy that flows and oozes through the terrain. Employ advanced weapons,gravity manipulating repulsors, wormhole like rifts, and your own wit against this never yielding enemy. Excavate terrain, unearth techs, crystals, remnants and other artifacts. Face a new mechanical enemy that employs gravity manipulation against you. Join the fight to save humanity now!
7. 도전과제
Day 1: Novus Orsa
Completed Story Day 1
Day 2: Far York
Completed Story Day 2
Day 11: The Cooker
Completed Story Day 11
Day 12: Answer
Completed Story Day 12
Day 13: Horror
Completed Story Day 13
Day 14: Phoenix
Completed Story Day 14
Day 15: Exterminate!
Completed Story Day 15
Day 16: Purpose
Completed Story Day 16
Day 17: Trickery
Completed Story Day 17
Day 18: The Tide
Completed Story Day 18
Day 19: Colony Prime
Completed Story Day 19
Day 20: All Things
Completed Story Day 20
Day 3: Taurus
Completed Story Day 3
Humanity Saver
Completed All Story Missions
Completed Bonus: Positronic
The Tree
Completed Bonus: The Tree
Minion Surprise
Completed Bonus: Minion Surprise
Shields Up!
Completed Bonus: Shields Up!
Stygian Depths
Completed Bonus: Stygian Depths
Completed Bonus: Odyssey
Barbarian Hordes
Completed Bonus: Barbarian Hordes
Completed Bonus: Assault
Completed Bonus: Cubic
Day 4: UC-1004
Completed Story Day 4
Completed Bonus: Abyss
Completed All Bonus Missions
Supreme Victory
Completed All Missions
Day 5: The Maxia Choice
Completed Story Day 5
Day 6: Chaos
Completed Story Day 6
Day 7: Lost
Completed Story Day 7
Day 8: Sliver
Completed Story Day 8
Day 9: Intelligence
Completed Story Day 9
Day 10: The Experiment
Completed Story Day 10