스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
77게임 번호
2017년 3월 24일
New World Interactive
New World Interactive
영어, 프랑스어, 한국어, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 러시아어, 중국어 간체, 중국어 번체
웹사이트 방문
1. 한국어화
공식 한국어화
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 15,500
₩ 15,500
4. DLC
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
디지털 디럭스 에디션
Deluxe Edition includes the full 28 minute soundtrack of in-game music by composer Rich Douglas, plus three unit items to help start your collection: 101st Airborne Division, Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, and the 1. Fallschirmjager Division.
게임 정보
전쟁에 짓밟힌 유럽 전역의 전투
팀워크 지향의 목표물을 강조하는 하드코어 게임플레이와 9가지 전문 플레이어 클래스의 높은 치명적 총싸움을 경험하세요.위치를 확보하고, 적의 장비를 파괴하며, 적의 장교를 암살하고, 7가지 플레이어 대 플레이어 게임 모드와 3가지 AI 대항 협력 모드로 진군하세요.
유럽 전역의 2차 세계대전을 바탕으로 14가지 레벨로 강화된 해두보, 전쟁에 폐허가 된 마을, 파괴된 도시 및 눈 덮인 숲을 헤쳐나가며 싸우세요.
주변의 아군 플레이어와 적군 플레이어가 들을 수 있는 근접 VOIP, 그리고 장착 가능한 무선 백팩을 통한 더 폭넓은 VOIP 커뮤니케이션을 이용하여 교신하세요.
진짜 같은 장비 사용
톰슨 기관단총부터 PIAT 폭탄 발사기, FG42 자동 소총 및 화염방사기까지 모든 것을 포함하여 60가지 이상의 무기를 사용하십시오.총검, 유탄 발사기, 스트리퍼 클립, 확장 탄창, 투석기, 옷 등으로 무기를 구성하십시오.
팀메이트와 협력하여 폭발물, 연막, 소이탄 포격 지원 및 융단 폭격, 수투카 급강하 폭격기, 태풍 로켓 공습, P-47 기관총 발사 및 보급품을 요청하세요.
새로운 유닛 잠금 해제
순위를 높이고 101 공수사단, No. 2 코만도, 및 1과 같은 미 육군, 영연방 및 독일 국방군의 33가지 플레이 가능 유닛을 잠금 해제하세요. Fallschirmjäger 사단.미국, 영국, 독일, 캐나다, 호주, 스코틀랜드, 인도, 아프리카계 미국인 캐릭터 등 역사적인 군 부대의 8000가지 이상의 음성을 들어보세요.
새로운 컨텐를 경험해 보십시오
지도, 특징 등 새로운 공식 컨텐츠 업데이트를 무료로 받으세요.스팀 워크샵에서 커뮤니티에서 만든 1,200가지 이상의 모드, 레벨, 사운드 팩, 무기 스킨, 캐릭터 스킨 및 기타 맞춤 컨텐츠를 다운로드하세요.
7. 도전과제
Kill five people in a single round using your weapon's bayonet
Bad Reception I
Destroy the enemy's stationary radio
Bad Reception III
Destroy the enemy's stationary radio 10 times
Bad Reception IV
Destroy the enemy's stationary radio 25 times
Bad Reception II
Destroy the enemy's stationary radio 5 times
Can Ya Dig It?
Kill 20 people with the US Army Knife, unlocking the US Army Entrenchment Tool
Trailblazer I
Capture one control point
Trailblazer II
Capture 10 control points
Trailblazer IV
Capture a hundred control points
Trailblazer III
Capture 25 control points
Enfield Deadeye I
Get 10 Headshots with the Enfield
Enfield Deadeye III
Get 100 Headshots with the Enfield
Enfield Deadeye IV
Get 200 Headshots with the Enfield
Enfield Deadeye II
Get 50 Headshots with the Enfield
G43 Deadeye I
Get 10 Headshots with the G43
G43 Deadeye III
Get 100 Headshots with the G43
G43 Deadeye IV
Get 200 Headshots with the G43
G43 Deadeye II
Get 50 Headshots with the G43
Garand Deadeye I
Get 10 Headshots with the Garand
Garand Deadeye III
Get 100 Headshots with the Garand
Garand Deadeye IV
Get 200 Headshots with the Garand
Garand Deadeye II
Get 50 Headshots with the Garand
K98 Deadeye I
Get 10 Headshots with the K98
K98 Deadeye III
Get 100 Headshots with the K98
K98 Deadeye IV
Get 200 Headshots with the K98
K98 Deadeye II
Get 50 Headshots with the K98
Springfield Deadeye I
Get 10 Headshots with the Springfield
Springfield Deadeye III
Get 100 Headshots with the Springfield
Springfield Deadeye IV
Get 200 Headshots with the Springfield
Springfield Deadeye II
Get 50 Headshots with the Springfield
First Blood
Get the first kill in a round
Flame War
Kill someone who is firing their flamethrower with a flamethrower
National Hero I
Secure an objective to revive your team if you are the last person alive
National Hero III
Secure an objective to revive your team if you are the last person alive 10 times
National Hero IV
Secure an objective to revive your team if you are the last person alive 25 times
National Hero II
Secure an objective to revive your team if you are the last person alive 5 times
In The Trenches
Kill 20 people with the Commonwealth Knife, unlocking the Commonwealth Entrenchment Tool
Stick 'em I
Kill someone using a bayonet
Stick 'em II
Kill ten people using a bayonet
Stick 'em IV
Kill a hundred people using a bayonet
Stick 'em III
Kill 25 people using a bayonet
Leverage II
Kill ten people using a bolt action rifle
Leverage IV
Kill a hundred people using a bolt action rifle
Burn 'em I
Kill someone using a flamethrower
Burn 'em II
Kill ten people using a flamethrower
Burn 'em IV
Kill a hundred people using a flamethrower
Burn 'em III
Kill 25 people using a flamethrower
Filtration Specialist I
Kill someone using a full-automatic weapon
Filtration Specialist II
Kill ten people using a full-automatic weapon
Filtration Specialist IV
Kill a hundred people using a full-automatic weapon
Filtration Specialist III
Kill 25 people using a full-automatic weapon
Boomstick I
Kill someone using a grenade
Boomstick II
Kill ten people with your grenades
Boomstick IV
Kill a hundred people with your grenades
Boomstick III
Kill 25 people with your grenades
Flash Photography I
Kill someone using a machine gun
Flash Photography II
Kill ten people using a machine gun
Flash Photography IV
Kill a hundred people using a machine gun
Flash Photography III
Kill 25 people using a machine gun
Snap Shooter I
Kill someone using a semi-automatic weapon
Snap Shooter II
Kill ten people using a semi-automatic weapon
Snap Shooter IV
Kill a hundred people using a semi-automatic weapon
Snap Shooter III
Kill 25 people using a semi-automatic weapon
Gatekeeper I
Kill someone using a sniper rifle
Gatekeeper II
Kill ten people using a sniper rifle
Gatekeeper IV
Kill a hundred people using a sniper rifle
Gatekeeper III
Kill 25 people using a sniper rifle
Slice and Dice
Kill five people using a knife in a single round
Knuckle Sandwich
Kill 40 people with the US Army Entrenchment Tool, unlocking the Brass Knuckles
Kill 40 people with the Commonwealth Entrenchment Tool, unlocking the Hatchet
Newton's Law
Kill 40 people with the Wehrmacht Entrenchment Tool, unlocking the Gravity Knife
Road Works
Kill 20 people with the Wehrmacht Knife, unlocking the Wehrmacht Entrenchment Tool
Kill 80 people with the Hatchet, unlocking the Fairbairn Sykes
Kill an enemy with a Supply Drop
Enfield Veteran I
Kill 100 people with the Enfield
Enfield Veteran II
Kill 200 people with the Enfield
Enfield Veteran III
Kill 400 people with the Enfield
Enfield Veteran IV
Kill 800 people with the Enfield
G43 Veteran I
Kill 100 people with the G43
G43 Veteran II
Kill 200 people with the G43
G43 Veteran III
Kill 400 people with the G43
G43 Veteran IV
Kill 800 people with the G43
Garand Veteran I
Kill 100 people with the Garand
Garand Veteran II
Kill 200 people with the Garand
Garand Veteran III
Kill 400 people with the Garand
Garand Veteran IV
Kill 800 people with the Garand
K98 Veteran I
Kill 100 people with the K98
K98 Veteran II
Kill 200 people with the K98
K98 Veteran III
Kill 400 people with the K98
K98 Veteran IV
Kill 800 people with the K98
Springfield Veteran I
Kill 100 people with the Springfield
Springfield Veteran II
Kill 200 people with the Springfield
Springfield Veteran III
Kill 400 people with the Springfield
Springfield Veteran IV
Kill 800 people with the Springfield