스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
80게임 번호
2018년 3월 7일
Shiro Games
Shiro Games
영어*, 프랑스어, 독일어, 러시아어, 중국어 간체, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 폴란드어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 터키어, 이탈리아어, 한국어
*음성이 지원되는 언어
*음성이 지원되는 언어
웹사이트 방문
1. 한국어화
공식 한국어화
(274) https://gall.dcinside.com/gardnorth/159
계란조아님 제작 (1.5.11407)
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 31,000
세일 종료:
특별 할인! 남은 시간:
₩ 7,750
4. DLC
5. 트레이딩 카드
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
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게임 정보
용감한 바이킹들은 수년 동안 이어진 긴 탐험 끝에 신비롭고 위험하며 막대한 보물이 가득한 새로운 땅 노르트가르드(Northgard)에 도달하게 됩니다.
이 대담무쌍한 북부인들은 새로운 대륙의 해안을 탐험하고 정복하기 위해, 부족의 명예를 드높이고 정복과 교역에 새로운 역사를 쓰기 위해, 혹은 신에 대한 헌신을 위해 각자 목표를 지니고 배에 몸을 실었습니다.
대륙을 배회하는 다이어 늑대들과 언데드 전사들과의 전투에서 살아남고, 거인과 친구가 되거나 거인을 물리치고, 여태까지 경험한 적 없는 북부 지역의 혹독한 추위 속에서 생존하는 데 성공한다면 각자의 목표를 이룰 수 있을 것입니다.
- 신대륙 노르트가르드에 거주지를 건설하세요
- 다양한 직업(농부, 전사, 선원, 설화 현자...)에 바이킹을 배치하세요
- 자원을 신중하게 관리해 혹독한 추위와 잔혹한 적들로부터 살아남으세요
- 독특한 전략 기회들을 활용해 새로운 영토를 발견하고 확장하세요
- 각각의 승리 조건들(정복, 명성, 설화, 교역 등...)을 달성해 보세요
- 각각 다른 난이도 레벨과 성격을 지닌 AI 또는 친구와 대결해 보세요
- 전용 서버에서 랭크를 올려 최종 랭크인 노르스 신 랭크에 등극해 보세요!
- 하겐이라는 자가 바이킹의 상왕을 살해하고 왕의 뿔피리를 훔쳐 갔습니다.
- 이 이벤트는 바이킹족 상왕의 아들이자 후계자인 리그가 충실한 심복인 브란드와 함께 신대륙 노르트가르드를 가로지르며 마주하는 전설적인 여정을 그리고 있습니다.
- 새로운 친구와 적이 가득한 신대륙을 탐험하며 하겐보다 더 위협적인 존재들을 발견하고 암살 사건에 숨겨진 진상이 무엇인지 밝혀냅시다.
여러분이 11개 챕터로 구성된 캠페인을 완료하려면 처음부터 주어진 6개 부족의 특성을 완벽하게 익히고 노르트가르드의 혹독한 야생 환경에 적응해야 합니다.
노르트가르드의 점령이 시작되면, 새로운 6개 부족이 전투에 참가하여 새로운 플레이와 전투 방식을 소개해줄 것입니다.
추가 부족 공개 후에도 노르트가르드는 업그레이드를 통해 새로운 플레이 방식 및 여러분이 노르트가르드의 모든 가능성을 발견할 수 있는 주요 무료 콘텐츠를 제공할 것입니다.
7. 도전과제
7 Wonders
Play a game where 7 different Relics are built.
Secrets of Rig's Saga
Complete all the bonus objectives in every chapters of Rig's Saga
Let Them Be Stronger
Build the Relic of Dainsleif & Tyrfing
Bear Hunter
Kill 3 bears in a single game [not in Story Mode]
Hire the Berserker [not in Story Mode]
Big Fish
Have 10 fishermen at the same time [not in Story Mode]
Bird Enthousiast
Heal Vedrfolnir once [not in Story Mode]
Bird Lover
Heal Vedrfolnir 10 times [not in Story Mode]
Secrets of Exodus
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the first chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Fimbulvinter
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the tenth chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Bifrost
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the eleventh chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Foothold
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the second chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Settlement
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the third chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Trade War
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the fourth chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Punitive Expedition
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the fifth chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Intervention
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the sixth chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Jötunnheim
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the seventh chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Contest
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the eighth chapter of Rig's Saga
Secrets of Tremors
Complete each of the bonus objectives of the ninth chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 1 - Exodus
Complete the first chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 10 - Fimbulvinter
Complete the tenth chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 11 - Bifrost
Complete the eleventh chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 2 - Foothold
Complete the second chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 3 - Settlement
Complete the third chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 4 - Trade War
Complete the fourth chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 5 - Punitive Expedition
Complete the fifth chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 6 - Intervention
Complete the sixth chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 7 - Jötunnheim
Complete the seventh chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 8 - Contest
Complete the eighth chapter of Rig's Saga
Chapter 9 - Tremors
Complete the ninth chapter of Rig's Saga
Commercial Influencers
Build the Relic of Bragaful
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Win each of the 30 different battles
Complete Rig's Saga in Hard difficulty (or above)
Conqueror Expert
Unlock level 3 of the Conqueror Path
Bear Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Bear
Boar Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Boar
Finish all battles of a Conquest
Dragon Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Dragon
Finish a Conquest in Extreme difficulty
Goat Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Goat
Finish a Conquest in Hard difficulty
Horse Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Horse
Kraken Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Kraken
Ox Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Ox
Raven Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Raven
Snake Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Snake
Stag Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Stag
Wolf Conqueror
Finish a Conquest with the clan of the Wolf
Contact with Thor
Colonize the Thor Wrath tile once [not in Story Mode]
Dances with wolves
Gather 1000 food by killing wolves with the Clan of the Wolf in one game [not in Story Mode]
The Benefits of Dark Magic
Build the Relic of Skull of Hrungnir
Deer Hunter
Control 4 Hunter's Lodge at the same time [not in Story Mode]
Destruction Derby
Destroy 4 different buildings with the Ram ability in one game.
Kill 20 Draugar in a single game [not in Story Mode]
Educated Colonization
Spend 1000 Lore in colonization in one game
Control 15 territories [not in Story Mode]
Great Explorer
Explore every zone of Northgard [not in Story Mode]
The Explorer
Have the whole map explored before the year 803 in a Medium or Large map [not in Story Mode]
This isn't even my final form!
Find 6 Legendary items in one game
This is Getting Crowded
Get at least 20 villagers from Gefjun's Jar in one game
Friend of the Jötnar
Unlock the Giant's Warchief [not in Story Mode]
Sheep Master
Have 8 sheeps in Sheepfolds [not in Story Mode]
Bear Master
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Bear [not in Story Mode]
Boar Master
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Boar [not in Story Mode]
Dragon Master
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Dragon
Goat Master
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Goat [not in Story Mode]
Horse Master
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Horse
Kraken Master
Achieve 50 Victories with the Clan of the Kraken
Ox Master
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Ox
Raven Master
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Raven [not in Story Mode]
Snake Master
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Snake
Stag Master
Get 50 Victories with Clan of the Stag [not in Story Mode]
Wolf Master
Get 50 Victories with the Clan of the Wolf [not in Story Mode]
Grave Raider
Explore 10 Ancient Graves
The Great Cauldron
Build the Relic of Eldhrumnir
Great Defense
Control 5 upgraded towers lvl 2
Kill 5 Valkyries in a single game [not in Story Mode]
Guardian Expert
Unlock level 3 of the Guardian Path
Hammer Time
Build the Relic of Mjöllnir
Build 3 Harbors in a single game [not in Story Mode]
The Melting Stones
Completely mine 5 Molten Rocks
Hot water
Colonize 1 geyser tile [not in Story Mode]
Squalid Living
Build a House in a swamp [not in Story Mode]
I need more RAM!
Build the Relic of the Clan of the Ox
Iron Miner
Mine 60 Iron in a single game [not in Story Mode]
Knowledge is a Fruit
Build the Relic of Jörmunr
Kobolds and Friends
Trade with the Kobolds [not in Story Mode]
Kobold Wipe Out
Destroy a Kobold camp [not in Story Mode]
Victorious Squid
Witness a boat sunk by the mighty Kraken
Pride of the Kraken
Build the Edda of Vor
Legendary Guardian
Kill 10 Valkyries in a single game [not in Story Mode]
Life is Over-Rated
Kill a Jotnar with an undead Jotnar
The Long Game
Reach the year 810 [not in Story Mode]
Lore Seeker
Build a Carved Stone next to the Relic of the Gods [not in Story Mode]
Finish at least 6 Conquests with different clans
This is Mine Now
Build the Relic of Hlidskjalf
For a Few More Krowns
Have 3000+ krowns [not in Story Mode]
Destroy a Myrkalfar Camp
Myrkalfar & Co.
Befriend the Myrkalfar
Nature's Wonders
Have 12 menders in your territory [not in Story Mode]
Northern SPA
Colonize 10 geyser tiles [not in Story Mode]
Try Not to Break This One
Build the Relic of Gefjun's Jar
Nothing personal
Launch a regular and a Giant Mercenary raid on the same player
This is not Over Compensation
Build the Relic of Scabbard of Gram
Wound a Giant boar with a Mjöllnir's Thunder
Fresh Sea Air
Win a game without colonizing any non coastal zone with the Clan of the Kraken
Plowshares to Swords
Turn a Farmer into a Warrior [not in Story Mode]
Win a Ragnarok game
Warrior Rank
Achieve 10 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Warchief Rank
Achieve 25 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Thane Rank
Achieve 50 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Jarl Rank
Achieve 100 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
King Rank
Achieve 250 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
High King Rank
Achieve 500 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Norse God
Achieve 1000 victories with any clan [not in Story Mode]
Rock Smasher
Kill 10 Rock Golems
Explore a ruin [not in Story Mode]
Have 6 active Runestone or Carved Stones [not in Story Mode]
Slaughter 8 Sheep in a single game [not in Story Mode]
You Will Fight For Me
Enslave a Jotunn, a Kobold or a Myrkalf [not in Story Mode]
A "Small" Delivery
Build the Relic of Naglfar
Do you want to build a snowman?
Build a snowman during the Winter Festival event [not in Story Mode]
Why so Serious
Build the Relic of Gungnir
Do NOT Step on its Tail
Build the Relic of Mask of Gullinbursti
Stone Miner
Mine 150 Stone in a single game [not in Story Mode]
Have 5 active Skalds at the same time [not in Story Mode]
Tactician Expert
Unlock level 3 of the Tactician Path
The Taste of Blood
Build the Relic of Horn of Managarm
Tear of the Earth
Use Scorched Earth on an enemy tile [not in Story mode]
The End
Complete Rig's Saga in Normal difficulty (or above)
Harder than The Rock
Build the Relic of Svalinn
The Wall
Have 7 Defense Towers in your territory [not in Story Mode]
Thor Fanatic
Colonize the Thor Wrath Tile 10 times [not in Story Mode]
Through Helheim and back
Complete Rig's Saga in Extreme difficulty
Have 3 active trade route in a single game [not in Story Mode]
Endure a Thrall uprising [not in Story Mode]
Win with the clan of the Bear [not in Story Mode]
Win with the Clan of the Boar [not in Story Mode]
Blood Taste
Win with the Clan of the Dragon
King of Northgard
Achieve a Fame Victory [not in Story Mode]
Win with the clan of the Goat [not in Story Mode]
The Protector
Win by guarding the Gate of Helheim [not in Story Mode]
Win with the Clan of the Horse
Day of the Tentacle
Win with the Clan of the Kraken
The Wise
Achieve a Wisdom Victory [not in Story Mode]
Achieve a Domination Victory [not in Story Mode]
Great Merchant
Achieve a Trade Victory [not in Story Mode]
The Smith
Win by forging the Sword of Odin [not in Story Mode]
Unstoppable Force
Win with the Clan of the Ox
Win with the clan of the Raven [not in Story Mode]
Win with the Clan of the Snake
Win with the clan of the Stag [not in Story Mode]
Win with the clan of the Wolf [not in Story Mode]
The Mystic
Win by taking control of Yggdrasil [not in Story Mode]
Hanging out with friends
Have 6 warchiefs on one of your tile [not in Story Mode]
Who needs houses?
Win a game with the clan of the Ox without reaching max population
Wolf Hunter
Kill 20 Wolves in a single game [not in Story Mode]
Wonder Builder
Build 2 relics in the same game
The Wonder Collector
Capture an enemy Relic
It's a Wonderful Life
Keep your happiness over 12 for a whole year [not in Story Mode]
Kill the Wyvern [not in Story Mode]