스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 43,000
₩ 43,000
5. 트레이딩 카드
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Narumi Kouki, our hapless protagonist, writes a risque romcom for a weekly manga magazine. Due to its content, he's kept it a secret from everyone except the two closest to him: Mihiro and Toa.
One day, by a strange turn of events, he discovers that the school's Student Council President, Rokuonji Kaoruko, is actually the illustrator for his manga.
The Student Council is looking for a male representative, so he is persuaded into joining. Because he has a secret to keep, he joins on the condition that his manga work be kept confidential. However, Vice President Ashe, unaware of his circumstances, is vehemently against him joining. In the midst of all this, the students' requests and problems keep on pouring in...
One day, by a strange turn of events, he discovers that the school's Student Council President, Rokuonji Kaoruko, is actually the illustrator for his manga.
The Student Council is looking for a male representative, so he is persuaded into joining. Because he has a secret to keep, he joins on the condition that his manga work be kept confidential. However, Vice President Ashe, unaware of his circumstances, is vehemently against him joining. In the midst of all this, the students' requests and problems keep on pouring in...
7. 도전과제
First time running the game.
First time running the game.
Clear Prologue Chapter
Clear Prologue Chapter
Clear Common Chapter
Clear Common Chapter
Clear Kaoruko's Chapter
Clear Kaoruko's Chapter
Clear Mihiro's Chapter
Clear Mihiro's Chapter
Clear Ashe's Chapter
Clear Ashe's Chapter
Clear Toa's Chapter
Clear Toa's Chapter
Clear All Chapter
Clear All Chapter
Play it in English.
Play it in English.
Play it in Japanese.
Play it in Japanese.