게임 번호
2019년 3월 7일
Positech Games
Positech Games
영어*, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 포르투갈어, 체코어, 네덜란드어, 폴란드어
*음성이 지원되는 언어



1. 한국어화
3. 평가 (공사중)

2. 가격 (KRW)

갱신: 1년 전
원가: ₩ 26,000
세일: -
판매가: ₩ 26,000

4. DLC

5. 트레이딩 카드

6. 게임 소개

6.1 동영상

6.2 소개

Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game that pushes your organisational and entrepreneurship skills to the limit. Can you build the ultimate optimised, free-flowing car production line whilst beating the competition and still turn a profit?

A modern car factory is a near perfect example of efficiency, process-management and flow. A massive army of precision-controlled robots dance to a milimeter-perfect ballet of engineering excellence with perfect timing. Components snake along conveyor belts to a 'just-in-time' ordering system that leaves no pauses, no delay, no confusion or congestion. Nothing exists but the perfect flowing efficiency of high tech car construction...

...in theory.

In practice, of course, life is not so simple. When you get to grips with your first factory design, it certainly will not feel in a state of pure flow...or profit for that matter. Making a handful of built-to-order cars and breaking even is one thing...but competing with the big multinationals and churning out thousands of cars for the mass market is a whole new ballgame.
To win market share from the big companies you are going to need planning, an appreciation of future technology, a careful eye on your bottom line, and an ability to design a factory layout that makes use of every square meter, and cuts production costs per car to the absolute minimum. Have you got what it takes to win?

Production line is the new car factory management/simulation/tycoon game from Positech Games, the developers of Democracy & Gratuitous Space Battles, and publishers of Big Pharma. This game is designed to appeal to the efficiency geek in all of us, the person who cannot help but organize things for maximum performance. The closet entrepreneur, the stats-geek, Is that you? if so...welcome to your dream game (we hope!)

The key to understanding production line is the division of labor and the merits of purpose-built machinery. At the start, your factory will be small and the individual slots on your production line will carry out large complex tasks (like fitting the car body). As you research better methods, and earn the funds to expand, you will continue to subdivide those slots into smaller (and faster) production areas which keep the flow of new vehicles flowing smoothly. At the same time, product design researchers will be working out how to enhance your cars with new technologies such as automatic headlights, power steering, bluetooth phone support and voice recognition.

its a race to be productive AND a race to be profitable. Are you ready to compete?

7. 도전과제

High Octane Output
Production line performance has shown an impressive acceleration in output. Buckle up, it’s full speed ahead for the business.
Big Spender
You've got to speculate to accumulate. Go ahead and speculate like a philosophy graduate, but don't lose track of logic and reason completely!
Zero Emissions: And breathe…
Be a champion of clean air and produce a battery of 500 electric cars in a single game.
High-Octane Efficiency
Fantastic job! Hyperdrive engaged. A dazzling, well-oiled performance. You understand that efficiency is one of the drivers of profit.
Customer Awareness: it’s all about the brand
Our brand is a fuel-injected mix of reputation, vision and our journey. Make sure customers are along for the ride and maintain a brand awareness of over 75% for 10 straight hours.
Efficient Layout
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency'-Bill Gates. It's time to tighten that production line layout.
Experienced Manager
You’ve got to put in the hours to get ahead. 'The only source of knowledge is experience'-Albert Einstein.
Efficiency Awareness
Good work, you have achieved the Efficiency Awareness Award and your business is gearing up for greatness. Don’t let poor efficiency stall further progress.
High-End cars: Executive order
High octane executives love their plush cars. Produce and sell 500 cars from the expensive range in a single game.
Bumper Output
Good work, the production line is ticking over nicely and factory output is racing ahead but don’t take your eyes off the road ahead.
Industry Veteran
In this ever-evolving industry, there is no such thing as 'enough' experience
The zoo of the new – produce an irresistible model packed with novel features, let it purr, kick ass, or glide then let it run free!
Job Creator
Recruit as if human labour is going out of fashion! You've got the robots but employees are the oil that keeps the lines running and the profits rolling in
Local production: Keeping it in-house
Extend the web of production. Source just-in-time components from just in-house production just in case those suppliers let you down. Produce 500 local components in a single hour.
Luxury Range: Sophistication sells
There is an old saying, ‘Luxury is the mother of innovation’ or something like that. Sell over $10 million worth of cars from the luxury range priced over $70k.
Mainstream Production
Good work, your fifth hundred car has rolled off the production line. Are your management skills agile enough to rev your business up even further?
Marketing: Let’s go mad!
Mad men and women of the marketing division, help get our fantastic products in pole position ready to race out of the showroom. Spend over $5 million on marketing in a single game.
Mass Production
Congratulations, you have achieved the landmark production of one thousand cars and are well on the road to competing in the mass market. It’s business in the fast lane from now on. Can you keep up?
Min Spec
Keep it simple, keep it clean, keep it affordable, keep it rolling off the production line! 'Simplicity is the ultimate in sophistication'-Leonardo di Vinci (long before cars were invented, obviously).
Start-up Production
Well done, you have a functional production line and your start-up business has produced its first century run of vehicles! Do you have the drive to take production all the way?
Unplugged production. Keep the lines running from the power within. Let's go off-grid!
Millionized revenue
A proud day for the car factory, you have taken one million dollars in revenue. Keep firing on all cylinders.
Power Trip
'Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas'-Nikola Tesla. Self-sufficiency is a thing of beauty. Build a power plant and start feeding the robotic army. They're hungry!
Premium Car Production
Your top-quality innovation and investment strategy has paid off and caught the attention of some discerning customers. A sound reputation means the road ahead could be paved with success.
Production: scale it up
From blue-print to juggernaut. Rev up, design and build a factory from scratch and produce 6,000 cars in a single game.
Rapid Assembly: We’re on a deadline
Does your production line have traction? Get a grip and produce 500 cars in a single 10 hour shift.
Full Throttle Revenue
Bravo, your business revenue stream was fast and furious for a while. A truly turbo-boosted performance.
Middle of the Road Output
Well done, you are steering your company in the right direction by keeping an eye on the clock. Keep rolling out those cars.
Research Addict
'Bring the future into the present so that you can do something about it now'-Alan Lakein. If you're not researching tomorrow's tech today, your business may be here today, gone tomorrow. Keep ahead of the competition
Robot Army
If the factory doesn't look like an alien dreadnought mothership maybe you need a few more robots but remember, idle robots are the devil's work.
Revenue Overdrive
Congratulations on smashing the ten million dollar revenue barrier. You have shown great drive and determination. Is now a good time to remind you that revenue is not the same as profit?
Wide Product Range
All our customers are individuals, they want choice and they want it now. Can you deliver?