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The Captain is Dead
The story continues as Multisecurity attacks! In a race against time, Face Base & Bear City must recover an alien artifact while fending off the capital ship, The Synergy and her fleet or all is lost.
Episode 2 "The Captain Is Dead" lets you battle it out in an attack/defend new environment against the intensely guarded Synergy. Find the new hidden secret weapon, the alien artifact, to give your ship and your clan the extra fire power they need to destroy the Synergy in our quest to take back Mars.
The story continues as Multisecurity attacks! In a race against time, Face Base & Bear City must recover an alien artifact while fending off the capital ship, The Synergy and her fleet or all is lost.
Episode 2 "The Captain Is Dead" lets you battle it out in an attack/defend new environment against the intensely guarded Synergy. Find the new hidden secret weapon, the alien artifact, to give your ship and your clan the extra fire power they need to destroy the Synergy in our quest to take back Mars.