스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 7,500
₩ 7,500
6. 게임 소개
6.1 소개
This product contains over 450 tokens in a base 70mm format (for Medium-sized), and over 150 portraits, all converted and optimized for online gaming with software like Fantasy Ground. Produced by artist Claudio Pozas and Fiery Dragon Productions, these tokens are framed in a fiery border and can be resized for different map scales and/or software. The tokens are sorted and scaled into different size categories, and are convered to PNG files for optimal online use.
This token pack includes:
Released on June 01, 2004. Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 2.9.9 and higher.
Requires: An active subscription or a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and any ruleset.
This token pack includes:
- Character Tokens
- NPC tokens
- Monster Tokens
- Portrait Tokens
Released on June 01, 2004. Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 2.9.9 and higher.
Requires: An active subscription or a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and any ruleset.