스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
SERVER CHANGER is a simple software, which allows you to change the server of the online games in one click and the best thing about SERVER CHANGER is that it's FREE TO USE For Everyone :)
Remember we are rookies and even we tried our best to develop SERVER CHANGER Bug-Free after many hours of debugging and fixing the bugs; we encountered but everybody knows that "Nobody is Perfect". So, if in case you encounter a bug that we may happen to skip debugging, please let us know so that we can debug it :)

As soon as SERVER CHANGER gains popularity, we will add more games and more features to it.
Remember we are rookies and even we tried our best to develop SERVER CHANGER Bug-Free after many hours of debugging and fixing the bugs; we encountered but everybody knows that "Nobody is Perfect". So, if in case you encounter a bug that we may happen to skip debugging, please let us know so that we can debug it :)
- Ability to Block or Allow multiple csgo servers in one click with their ping being changed in real time.
- Ability to Change Rainbow Six Siege Server.
- Note: Rainbow Six Siege server IP addresses are not public, so it's impossible to show their ping in real time.
- To fix problem's related to firewall, Pressing extras button inside csgo server picker will launch Extras Window.

As soon as SERVER CHANGER gains popularity, we will add more games and more features to it.