스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 20,500
₩ 20,500
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
The balance of power of a fragile peace has been violated and this is felt by each of its inhabitants.
The harmony between the forces of nature and machines gave slack and now everything is against people - robots, mechanisms and nature itself.
If the balance is not restored, there will be no more people in this world.
But who caused the imbalance?
Who broke the line and how to save humanity?
And finally - who is capable of a feat?
Who can go through many trials through the dangerous tunnels of oblivion - that will be called the Purple Heart.
The balance of power of a fragile peace has been violated and this is felt by each of its inhabitants.
The harmony between the forces of nature and machines gave slack and now everything is against people - robots, mechanisms and nature itself.
If the balance is not restored, there will be no more people in this world.
But who caused the imbalance?
Who broke the line and how to save humanity?
And finally - who is capable of a feat?
Who can go through many trials through the dangerous tunnels of oblivion - that will be called the Purple Heart.
- Stylish pixel art graphics from Artalasky!
- Think and act! The game is impregnated with puzzles, as well as tests of your reaction and logic.
- Beautiful and energetic 8bit music from HateBit!
- A real test of your skills. Can you get through to the end?
- An interesting story about a little man
7. 도전과제
A - Aquaman
Swim in the water
B - Big Gun
Find a big gun
D - Down to adventure
Go down to level 3
E - Enemies
Kill first enemy
F - Flash
Learn to make a dash
G - Gold
Grab coin
H - Hero
Finish the game
J - Jetpack forever
Find a jetpack
K - Key Character
Complete 13 level
L - Large problem
Pass level with a large saw
M - More Purple
Complete 8 level
N - Nameless hero
Complete 14 level
O - Oops..
Unexpected meeting
P - Push Push
Push the box
Q - Quarter
Complete 4th level
R - Robots
Meet the robots
S - Survivor
Complete 15 level
T - Tunnels of Oblivion
Start the game
U - Unknown place
Complete 16 level
V - Violet dreams
Find a machine gun
W - Weapon
Find a gun
X - X-ray
Complete 10th level
Y - You
Finish 12th level
Z - Zero
Complete 1st level
C - Center of the Universe
Finish half of the game