스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 1,100
₩ 1,100
4. DLC
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! is a score based platformer game.
The purpose of the game is to escape from the flooding water coming from under and try to reach the best score.
In the game, except water, there is two obstacles: moving barriers that are coming from left and right sides of screen and you should jump before the barriers are closing the path. Those gates move with different speed, and there is different types of closing gates.. its getting complex!
The main character of the game is a cube with jelly physics. Try not to get stuck on the closing gate! You can collect coins and unlock new characters form.
this game is not for everyone: it required dextery, concentration, reflexes... and the need to beat the highest score!
*Minimalist gameplay for quick fun
*Collect coin to unlock new character
*Sweet music
*Steam Leaderboard
*Steam Achievements
7. 도전과제
Afraid Of Water
Score 30 in a single game.
Bouncing Cubes
Play 10 times with Cubes
Box Escapist
Play 10 times with Empty Box
Cubic Gelatine
Play 5 times with Jelly Cube.
Elastic Letter
Play 10 times with Cross.
Flying High Again
Score 15 in a single Rush Rush Rush game.
Gimme A Cross
Play 5 times with Cross.
Play 10 times with Jelly Cube.
Score 50 in a single Rush Rush Rush game.
Score 50 in a single game.
Left Right Left Right Left Right
Score 25 in a single Rush Rush Rush game.
Odd Ooze
Play 5 times with Cubes
Spring Box
Play 5 times with Empty Box
Up, Up and Away!
Score 120 in a single game.