게임 번호
Sandbox Blizz
Sandbox Blizz



1. 한국어화
3. 평가 (공사중)


4. DLC
5. 트레이딩 카드
7. 도전과제

2. 가격 (KRW)

판매가: 무료

6. 게임 소개

6.1 소개

Welcome to your Sandbox!

Today we have something very special for you: finest kinetical sand!

It comes directly from Mercury - you know: it's the planet that is closest to the sun. Because of its high ability to store energy, it's still rather warm in your hand. But please don't ask us how we got that here to our earth...

Create Particle Effects, Animations, Banners, Prototypes and more without programming skills in this unique sandbox. All animations and banners on this site, were created in the Mercury Particle Sandbox!

Diverse Components

Attach an Image, an Animation, a Particle Effect and many more things onto an object, to make your scene unique. Amongst others you can attach functions like keyboard- or gamepad controls onto an object and in this way make it possible to control it as if the scene is a game or a prototype for your own brilliant ideas.

This mechanical creature was created in the sandbox and then moved around the screen, equipped with additional effects and images, the scene rendered as image sequence afterwards, and finally exported as APNG.

Et voilà: now it crawls also on your screen!

Impressive Toolset

  • Split GIFs, APNGs or even Sprite Sheets in their single parts, so that you can continue to use and rework them within your sandbox
  • The "Image Sequence Importer" makes it possible to import whole image sequences and mix and match it with different parts or sequences
  • Thanks to the "Image Composer" you will merge the whole outcome with the help of many different effects, so that your animation will appear impressive

    Provided with this power it is possible for example to import a 2D charachter sprite sheet, blend in addtional effects and export it afterwards.

  • Let the sword of your hero sparkle!
  • Generate magical auras for your characters!
  • Combine everything with a background texture and compete with the legendary player banners of Rocket League™!

    Your possibilities are infinite...

    You don't need programming skills or script languages to realise all of this. You just need this sandbox and your phantasy!

    Are you ready for a beautiful day in the sand?

    Powerful Particle Engine
    Set your creativity free and create the craziest particle effects with uncountable particles!

    Powerful Physics Engine
    Create thousands of physical structures and equip them with additional functions!

    Full-Grown Node Editor
    There is nothing impossible? Proof it with the integrated node editor and produce uncountable connections, which could even trigger loops and functions!

    Image Manipulation
    Output your creations as image sequence and create whole image compositions afterwards! (like the ones on this site)

    Effects en Masse are ready for your post-processing, so that you can give your images "that certain something"!

    Import Function
    Import Image Sequences, Sprite Sheets, GIFs or APNGs and split them into its parts, so that you can use them as you wish in your sandbox!

    Export Function
    Export your work as Image Sequence, Sprite Sheet, GIF or APNG and decorate your steam site or steam shop, website, game and every other place were these formats are supported!

    Mercury Engine
    This is how we name the machine, which gives you all these nice features. We are creating it with love and it is fully based on open source libraries like the MonoGame Framework, which revealed games like Stardew Valley, Bastion or FEZ!

    Early Access
    We would like to make this sandbox big together with you. That's why we are developing it steadily with community feedback as our base. We have already planned full steam workshop support as an example. This workshop will act like a database for particle effects and particle scenes and everyone can share their creations with the world and use other creations FOR FREE - it doesn't matter if professionally or just because of the joy!

    If you wish to contact or keep in touch with us, then you can do this by visiting us at Twitter, MonoGame Community, Steam Discussion Board or even write us an E-Mail.

    Now we wish you much fun and a wonderful day in the sand(box)!

    :: Sandbox Blizz 💖

    PS: Don't forget to WISHLIST and FOLLOW! Little things like this help us gathering visibility. Thank you my sandbox friend!