스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
게임 번호
2019년 11월 14일
Valiant Game Studio AB
Valiant Game Studio AB
웹사이트 방문
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 5,500
₩ 5,500
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Brialynne is closing in on the mastermind who brought her out on the wild goose chase. Yet still, there are more surprises waiting. The Industrial District opens its gates and allows the mystery of the stolen axe to finally be revealed!

- The whole of Duberdon can now be explored! Episode 7 introduces the Industrial District, which is the last piece of the puzzle when it comes to the map.
- In the Industrial District, you can go the barber and customize your beard. As you may know, dwarven ladies take great pride in the fact that they can grow beards!
- You can now get access to an additional home, if you talk to the right person (hint: you inherit it). You can also donate this apartment to someone in greater need than you.
- You can now also have several companions following you at once. And you can pet them! Not all animals around town might be interested in following you, but it never hurts to ask.
- The experience of using the Vendor and Container interfaces have been improved. As an example, you can now right click to deselect a stack in the Vendor view by right-clicking, you can put half a stack in a Container (also right-click), you can press the coins in your Wallet to buy or sell, etc.
- When you have finished the main storyline of the game, you can go back to your home and go back to sleep to see what happened next to some of the character you have met in the game.
- A fresh new Business Street! Besides adding the Industrial District, we completely revamped the Business District!
About Pendula Swing
Pendula Swing is an episodic adventure game with RPG elements, set in a Fantasy version of the American Roaring 20s. Season 1's protagonist is Brialynne, a once famous dwarven hero who is forced to return to a world she no longer recognizes. Strange music, a completely new fashion, fast moving steel horses and now goblins and orcs roaming the streets in broad daylight?! Unlock areas to discover the town of Duberdon, follow your favourite characters and solve your own burning problem.