스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 1,200
₩ 1,200
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
A simple quiz game to test your knowledge of the fifty states of the United States of America.
The game offers six quizzes on different topics associated with the U.S. states and a library to prepare for these quizzes conveniently at one place.
'Map' quiz
Classic one. You'll need to locate a state on the map.
'Shapes' quiz
Identify a state based on how its borders are shaped. The tricky part is that there's no location or size reference.
'Capitals' quiz
Guess the capital city of each state. Don't forget, it's not always the biggest one.
'Nicknames' quiz
Having a nickname is an important feature of each U.S. state. Can you name them all?
'Flags' quiz
Think of a state flag as a picture of its main symbols and you'll have no problem with this quiz.
'Mottos' quiz
What are the words that states identify with?
This is a place where you can directly or indirectly find all the answers to the questions present in the quizzes. Use it for studying before jumping to quizzes or as a review of your answers. It's up to you.
The game offers six quizzes on different topics associated with the U.S. states and a library to prepare for these quizzes conveniently at one place.
'Map' quiz
Classic one. You'll need to locate a state on the map.
'Shapes' quiz
Identify a state based on how its borders are shaped. The tricky part is that there's no location or size reference.
'Capitals' quiz
Guess the capital city of each state. Don't forget, it's not always the biggest one.
'Nicknames' quiz
Having a nickname is an important feature of each U.S. state. Can you name them all?
'Flags' quiz
Think of a state flag as a picture of its main symbols and you'll have no problem with this quiz.
'Mottos' quiz
What are the words that states identify with?
This is a place where you can directly or indirectly find all the answers to the questions present in the quizzes. Use it for studying before jumping to quizzes or as a review of your answers. It's up to you.
7. 도전과제

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Not Always The Biggest One
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And Yet It Waves
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There You Are!
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That's How They Call 'Em
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I Know Those Curves
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