스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
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1년 전
₩ 4,400
₩ 4,400
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Shooting over it: to be a star is an adventure of starfish who wants to be a real star.
You have to move on a starfish to outside from the deep sea.
When you swim along the cave in the depths of the ocean, you'll encounter some thing you've never seen before.
Follow the giant starfish and escape the deep sea.
Could you turn an ordinary starfish into a star?
* You can control a starfish by clicking nearby area of it.
* Starfish will move different way depending on your mouse point direction.
* A giant starfish is safe. It won't disrupt you.
But if you collide other objects, you will fall down into the deep sea again.
Could you go up again?
Could you escape a starfish from the sea?
You have to move on a starfish to outside from the deep sea.
When you swim along the cave in the depths of the ocean, you'll encounter some thing you've never seen before.
Follow the giant starfish and escape the deep sea.
Could you turn an ordinary starfish into a star?
* You can control a starfish by clicking nearby area of it.
* Starfish will move different way depending on your mouse point direction.
* A giant starfish is safe. It won't disrupt you.
But if you collide other objects, you will fall down into the deep sea again.
Could you go up again?
Could you escape a starfish from the sea?