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₩ 7,500
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The complete Soundtrack featuring 34 tracks from the game Devil in the Details.
Once installed the complete soundtrack will appear in the game directory in a folder named DitD Soundtrack so it can be enjoyed on Steam or elsewhere.
- 1. Main Theme 1
- 2. Going Out
- 3. Date Night
- 4. Night Time
- 5. Day Trip
- 6. Peaceful Day
- 7. Spring
- 8. Sad Event
- 9. Thank You for Today
- 10. Life Turns
- 11. Simple Day
- 12. Brighten Up!
- 13. Lets Go
- 14. Sweet Girl
- 15. Going to Bed
- 16. Shocked Realisation
- 17. In a Dream
- 18. Get Down to Play
- 19. Goodnight
- 20. Another Morning
- 21. Another date
- 22. Float Away
- 23. Drift Away
- 24. Relaxing Park Night
- 25. Hot Night
- 26. Three Times
- 27. Suspense - Doubt
- 28. Faint Caress
- 29. Nearly There (Second Theme)
- 30. Relaxed Date
- 31. Don't Forget Me
- 32. Night Time
- 33. Dancing Night
- 34. The End
Once installed the complete soundtrack will appear in the game directory in a folder named DitD Soundtrack so it can be enjoyed on Steam or elsewhere.