게임 번호
2020년 3월 28일
Cloudfire Studios
Cloudfire Studios
영어*, 독일어, 러시아어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 폴란드어, 헝가리어, 프랑스어, 루마니아어, 중국어 간체, 중국어 번체, 일본어
*음성이 지원되는 언어
웹사이트 방문



1. 한국어화
3. 평가 (공사중)

2. 가격 (KRW)

갱신: 1년 전
원가: ₩ 26,000
세일: -
판매가: ₩ 26,000

4. DLC

6. 게임 소개

6.1 동영상

6.2 소개

Welcome, Recruit. Station Commanders around the universe are running into all sorts of problems with their starbases. Embark on a journey to help manage their resources, optimise station layouts, and defend civilians from life threatening dangers. Are you up to the challenge?

Starport Delta is a light strategy game that challenges veterans, yet is approachable for newcomers. The game’s campaign mode teaches you the basics, while sandbox mode allows you to aim for the stars. The aim is to survive, so make sure to keep an eye on those resources!

Developed by Cloudfire Studios, a two-person team from New Zealand, Starport Delta is always growing. The team is always happy to listen and respond to ideas from the community via Steam or the official Starport Delta Discord.

Currently Featuring:

Space dangers

Get ready to take on meteor showers, alien pirates, giant space worms and more! Each of these perilous challenges requires their own unique solution, so make sure to build accordingly, or you may lose more than you bargained for.

Engaging campaign

With understaffed stations and negligent Commanders, it’s a wonder the Empire didn’t call you in sooner! Move from system to system, troubleshooting station problems as you go. Supply resources, cull unneeded expansions and ensure sustainable growth before warping to the next system.

Diverse Voices

With a total cast of 15, Starport Delta features incredible talent from around the world. As you play through the campaign, you’ll encounter beings from every corner of the galaxy. Each character has their own tale to share, their own struggles they must face. Listen to their journeys, learn from their mistakes, and you just might help them along the way.

Sandbox Mode

Take your time and explore all that the galaxy has to offer in Zen Mode. Build at your own pace, upgrading and expanding your space city as you go. Or perhaps you’re looking for something a bit more challenging? Try out Hard Mode, where we throw all of the perils of the game your way and it’s up to you to survive.

Unique upgrades

Upgrades to your station happen organically through proximity. Grouping three power plants in a cluster will supply a larger area with power and require less maintenance, as well as linking together their structural integrity. Design your own unique station layouts by exploring the variety of different upgrades and the impact they each have.

7. 도전과제

Condemn to the vacuum
Activate the airlock 500 times
Varied assortment
Build one of every building on one station
Complete Campaign
Finish playing through the story
Meet Nodj
Complete Mission 01
Off to work we go
Complete Mission 02
Every Nodj has his day
Complete Mission 03
New tricks for an old dog
Complete Mission 04
Complete Mission 05
Think bigger
Complete Mission 06
For the people
Complete Mission 07
Help Nodj help you
Complete Mission 08
Money, money, money
Complete Challenge 01
Size matters
Complete Challenge 02
Return of the worms
Complete Challenge 03
Herding cats
Complete Challenge 04
Space Town
Grow your station to 1000 population
Space Nation
Grow your station to 10000 population
Space City
Grow your station to 2500 population
Space Village
Grow your station to 500 population
Space Metropolis
Grow your station to 5000 population
Space Megalopolis
Grow your station to 7500 population
Compassion is its own reward
Choose to rescue 500 security targets
All the things!
Build one of each available upgrades
Need more power
Upgrade a Power Plant twice
Build a station with 100 active tiles
Build a station with 1000 active tiles
Build a station with 250 active tiles
Build a station with 500 active tiles
Build a station with 750 active tiles
Complete the tutorial