게임 번호
2018년 12월 7일
NEXT Studios
NEXT Studios
영어, 중국어 간체, 프랑스어, 이탈리아어, 독일어, 러시아어, 일본어, 폴란드어, 태국어, 중국어 번체, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 베트남어, 한국어, 스페인어-중남미

1. 한국어화

공식 한국어화

2. 가격 (KRW)

갱신: 1년 전
원가: ₩ 15,500
세일: -
판매가: ₩ 15,500

4. DLC

5. 트레이딩 카드

6. 게임 소개

6.1 동영상

6.2 소개



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Facebook: @IrisFall

게임 정보

Solve clever puzzles and uncover an intriguing story full of mystery and wonder. With “light and shadow” as a core concept, Iris.Fall takes players on a monochrome adventure unlike any other.

Story background:

After awakening from a dream, Iris follows a black cat into a dilapidated theater, traveling back and forth through a strange labyrinth of light and shadow. As the story unfolds, Iris begins to realise that everything in this theater seems to have some kind of hidden connection to herself.

Key Features

• Unique monochrome art style
The game’s visuals use a pure black-and-white cartoon style, relying on the transition between light and shadow to create a distinct experience, both exquisite and visually impactful.

• Fusing gameplay and the “light & shadow” system
The concept of “light and shadow” runs throughout the design of the game’s art, story, and puzzles. By switching between light and shadow, players can pass through the two realities, experiencing the unique interlacing of black and white, light and shadow, 2D and 3D.

• Immersive story experience
Become fully immersed in the plot through the stylized and suspenseful atmosphere of the setting and story. Progress in the game feels more like the player’s spiritual exploration.

7. 도전과제

퇴색한 극장
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한 계단 더 상승
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진상 기록
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놀다가도 화장실은 가기
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통행 금지
그림자의 세계에서 다른 인형에 의해 가로막혀 버렸네요.
종적이 사라짐
회전판에서 그녀의 정면 그림자를 관찰합니다.