스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
1년 전
₩ 1,100
₩ 1,100
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
The Hawk - one of the most dangerous noontime predator, but under the cover of the night, even he runs away, scared, when he sees the Owl. One wonderful (or horrible) day, storm separated Owlet with his nest, and now because of that he had to face his worst nightmares.
Can you find a new home to little Owlet, or are you going to seal his fate with the first rays of the sun?
Everything depends on you.
This game is our first creation, and we are going to be so glad to hear your feedback. We need you to improve our development!
Thanks for choosing us.
Can you find a new home to little Owlet, or are you going to seal his fate with the first rays of the sun?
Everything depends on you.
Planned features
- Trading Cards
Current features
- 9 levels filled with dangerous obstacles. Take away all fragile stuff. Creators are not responsible for broken goods.
- The game has it's own atmosphere, which could be your cup of tea.
- Controls are pretty simple!
- Each level we made with love and cruelty.
- Our game has a death counter which will remind you of your past failures. It also can spur you on, when it especially needed.
- Steam Achivements
This game is our first creation, and we are going to be so glad to hear your feedback. We need you to improve our development!
Thanks for choosing us.
7. 도전과제
A good walk.
You need to die 100 times.
That's all right!
You need to die 50 times.
I did it!
You need to complete the game.
It's a drop in the bucket
You need to die 10 times.
Don't you feel sorry for the Owlet?
You need to die 500 times.
This is Wandering Owl
You need to die one time.
It could be worse.
You need to die 200 times.
At least I tried...
You need to jump.
Pff...It was easy!
You need to complete the game without deaths.
This is pain...
You need to die 1000 times.
You need to die 5 times.
Ok, let's go!
You need to complete tutorial.
Welcome to Wandering Owl!
Start the game.