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2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 2,200
₩ 2,200
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
RED: Lucid Nightmare is a PC horror game with Oculus VR compatibility. Play as Mercedes, as she tries to piece together a missing persons case and strange, recurring nightmares. Each night you will have to explore and navigate the nightmare realm. Puzzles, new challenges, and dangerous inhabitants of the nightmare realm will try to take you. Along with the nightmare sequence there is a daytime sequence where the player can investigate a missing persons case. RED: Lucid Nightmare is intended to be a trilogy that explores themes of mystery, horror, death, and recovery.
7. 도전과제
Get hit by every trap in Night 2
Bloody Mary
Close the door and stay in the bathroom with the lights off for 10 seconds
Energy Efficient
Complete all nights without using any batteries
Find every note/scrap
Lucid Dreamer
Complete Module 01
Night Vision
Complete Night 1 without using the flashlight
No Scratches
Complete all nights without taking damage
No Signal
Complete Night 2 without using the radio
Turn on every light in the house
Complete Module 01 with no damage taken and collect all documents
Choose no false leads during the day 1 investigation
Private Eye
Find every available clue during investigation (requires a minimum of 1 during day 2)
Red Light!
Stun two Dollfaces at the same time during Night 2
Complete Night 2 without setting off any traps
Find every battery
You've got mail!
Read every email