게임 번호
2018년 11월 17일
영어, 독일어, 중국어 간체, 중국어 번체, 일본어



1. 한국어화
3. 평가 (공사중)


4. DLC
5. 트레이딩 카드
7. 도전과제

2. 가격 (KRW)

갱신: 1년 전
원가: ₩ 5,500
세일: -
판매가: ₩ 5,500

6. 게임 소개

6.1 동영상

6.2 소개

Soar high in the sky: Rapier Action

Brilliant attack from the slender rapier!
Defeat the enemies everywhere in the sky!
Soar high into the sky, a new style action RPG.
"Sword of Rapier" is born!

  • Chase
    Applying Chase is possible by approaching the launched enemies instantly. You may use Chase again while launching the enemies in the sky! Soar high in the sky and use the combo!

  • Thrust
    Strike the enemies high onto the ground. Increase damage on the enemies according the jump height and the combo count! Trophy and Exp value will be awarded as bonus by killing the enemies with Thrust! Gather the enemies together and beat them all!

  • Parry
    Fend off the enemies and null damage is applied by guarding yourself immediately. It is also possible to defeat enemies and hit the bullets back. Parry the attack brilliantly and start the counterattack!

Combo combining skills

Spend the gained SP from attacking and parrying, this enables you different kind of skills. Use combos in the sky is possible. Bring the combos together is also very important. Squezze all your SP out by bringing them together and maximize damage with Thrust after using the combos! Improving your skills would allow you acquire more powerful skills, hence more powerful combos!

  • Ice Wall
    Launch the enemies by shooting up ice pillars. Keep launching the enemies in the sky is also possible!

  • Thunder Volt
    Launch the enemies by dropping thunders on top of the enemies. It is chance to use combos when the enemies are being launched!

  • Abyss Fall
    Open the doors in outerspace, attract the enemies nearby and keep on attacking them. Perform further attack on trapped enemies at the centre!

  • Twincle Star
    Light balls rotate around the enemies and explode after a short time. The enemies can be launched and exploded again with precise timing, even they fall down after the combos!

Attacking the big shadows: Boss Battle

Huge enemies will attack without the fear of rapier's attack and your skills. The attack would become more vigourous when they got angry. But there must be weaknesses in between. Don't miss the chance launching them into the sky and using your combos!