게임 번호
2018년 12월 4일
영어, 중국어 간체, 중국어 번체, 일본어*
*음성이 지원되는 언어



3. 평가 (공사중)


1. 한국어화

유저 한국어화

(681) http://itcm.co.kr/g_board/8994844

전체 번역 및 이미지작업 : 팀 아틀리에 일부 번역 및 이미지작업, 패치 제작 : RuTel

2. 가격 (KRW)

갱신: 2년 전
원가: ₩ 41,800
세일: -
판매가: ₩ 41,800

6. 게임 소개

6.1 동영상

6.2 소개

【중요】 Windows 7 지원 종료에 관한 안내

항상 당사 제품을 애용해주셔서 감사합니다.
당사 PC 게임 소프트(Windows판)의 필요동작 환경에 대해 안내해 드립니다.

2020년 1월 14일 (한국 시간), 마이크로소프트 사의 OS(오퍼레이션 시스템)인 Windows 7의 지원이 종료됩니다.
이에 맞춰서 당사에서도 Windows 7에서의 지원을 2020년 1월 14일(화)에 종료합니다.

Windows 7을 계속해서 이용하실 경우, 지원 종료 후에 즉시 게임을 이용하지 못하게 되는 것은 아니지만
향후의 업데이트 프로그램의 적용이나 자동 갱신(※)에 의해서 정상적으로 작동하지 않는 경우가 생길 가능성이 있습니다.
※온라인 게임 등, 서버에 접속한 시점에서 게임 프로그램이 자동으로 갱신되는 경우를 뜻합니다.

대상이 되시는 분들께서는 지원 종료 기일에 대해 유의해주시고,
빠른 시일 내에 OS의 이행 등을 검토해주시길 부탁드립니다.

또한, Windows 7의 지원 종료에 따른 보안의 위험성 등에 대해서는
마이크로소프트 사의 Web사이트에 게재되어 있으므로, 아래 링크를 참조해주시기 바랍니다.


새로이 안내가 필요한 사항이 생길 경우에는 그때마다 안내해 드리겠습니다.
앞으로도 당사 제품을 잘 부탁드립니다.

게임 정보

First release in the Arland series. The main character Rorona must save her Atelier from being closed by the Kingdom. Using Synthesis, Exploration, and Battle, gain recognition for the Atelier and save it from being closed. See a variety of endings by obtaining a certain level of recognition in a set time period and by fulfilling certain conditions.

The English version includes English voice. (Note that some events do not include English voice).

・Save the Atelier by fulfilling requests made by the Kingdom.
Rorona's goal is to "gain recognition from the Kingdom to save her Atelier." By clearing the quarterly requests sent to her by the Kingdom for 3 years, Rorona can gain recognition. Earn great recognition by using Synthesis, Exploration, and Battle!

・Gain the ending right for your evaluation and popularity.
Earn a certain level of recognition in a set period of time from the Kingdom and fulfill certain conditions to see a number of different endings. In addition to Kingdom recognition, popularity in town from fulfilling the requests of the townsfolk also plays an important role in determining the ending that you eventually end up with.

7. 도전과제

Unlocked All Achievements.
Assignment 10
Obtained after clearing the 10th assignment.
Assignment 11
Obtained after clearing the 11th assignment.
Assignment 1
Obtained after clearing the 1st assignment.
Assignment 2
Obtained after clearing the 2nd assignment.
Assignment 3
Obtained after clearing the 3rd assignment.
Assignment 4
Obtained after clearing the 4th assignment.
Assignment 5
Obtained after clearing the 5th assignment.
Assignment 6
Obtained after clearing the 6th assignment.
Assignment 7
Obtained after clearing the 7th assignment.
Assignment 8
Obtained after clearing the 8th assignment.
Assignment 9
Obtained after clearing the 9th assignment.
Martial Master
Obtained by winning the Martial Contest.
The Cabbage Girl
Obtained by winning the Cabbage Festival contest.
Endless Search for Marriage
Obtained after you help find Esty's love.
Astrid Ending
Obtained by seeing the Astrid Ending image.
Sterk Ending
Obtained by seeing the Sterk Ending image.
Iksel Ending
Obtained by seeing the Iksel Ending image.
Good Ending
Obtained by seeing the Good Ending image.
Lionela Ending
Obtained by seeing the Lionela Ending image.
Tantris Ending
Obtained by seeing the Tantris Ending image.
Normal Ending
Obtained by seeing the Normal Ending image.
Let's Meet Again!
Obtained after you send the two alchemists back to the future.
Pie Master Ending
Obtained by seeing the Pie Shop Ending image.
Rich Ending
Obtained by seeing the Rich Ending image.
Adventurer Ending
Obtained by seeing the Adventurer Ending image.
Cordelia Ending
Obtained by seeing the Cordelia Ending image.
Gio Ending
Obtained by seeing the Gio Ending image.
True Ending
Obtained by seeing the True Ending image.
Assigments Cleared!
Obtained after clearing the last assignment.
Present from the Future
Obtained after you receive a gift from master from the future.
Once More Unto The Lake
Obtained after going to the lake for a vacation with Esty.
Making Up
Obtained after the event where Rorona and Cordelia make up.
Obtained after the event where Gio slices up a monster.
Hom and Kitten
Obtained after the event with Hom and the kitten.
Puppet and a Girl
Obtained after the event where the puppets get fixed.
The Puppet Show Begins
Obtained after the first Lionela event.
Rorona's Workshop
Obtained after the event where the workshop is passed down to Rorona.
The Ghost & Teddy Bear
Obtained after the first Pamela event.
Honorable Injury
Obtained after the event where Sterk gets injured.
Obtained after the event where Rorona and Tantris play music together.
The Wandering Bard
Obtained after the first Tantris event.
Drunken Tiffani
Obtained after the event with a drunken Tiffani.
To the Lake
Obtained after the event where Rorona goes to the lake with everyone.
Busy Cafe
Obtained after the event where Rorona helps out Iksel.
Alchemists from the Future
Obtained after meeting alchemists from the future.
Adventurer Lv. 50
Obtained by reaching Adventurer Level 50.
Alchemy Lv. 50
Obtained by reaching Alchemy Level 50.
Demon Hunter
Obtained by defeating a demon at Night's Domain.
Obtained by defeating one of the dragons.
Lord of the Demonkin
Obtained after you purify the demon lord.
Obtained by defeating Iron Giant at Orthogalaxen.
Emperor of the Deep
Obtained after you defeat the Ozean Kaiser.
Ancient Champion of the Sky
Obtained after you defeat the wyvern that rules the skies.