스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
게임 번호
2019년 6월 19일
Honeygold Entertainment
Honeygold Entertainment
영어, 이탈리아어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 스페인어 - 스페인, 중국어 간체, 중국어 번체, 한국어, 일본어, 폴란드어, 포르투갈어, 포르투갈어 - 브라질, 러시아어, 스페인어-중남미
1. 한국어화
공식 한국어화
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 12,500
₩ 12,500
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Mission Evilguy is a puzzle game where you make things happen at the right time at the right place.
Make each level work like clockwork and reach the exit to catch Evilguy!
Make each level work like clockwork and reach the exit to catch Evilguy!
- A purely logic-based game - no quick reaction needed, no time limits, just intelligence.
- Easy to play for everyone
- No lenghty tutorials or complicated control schemes - play with just the arrow keys and one button
- 60 levels ranging from very easy to incredibly sophisticated
- Replay any previous level at any time to perfect it
- Full joypad support
- Supports 14 languages
7. 도전과제
Press Play on Tape
Complete all levels of Episode 1
All you need is 38911 bytes
Complete all levels of Episode 2
Not that Impossible after all
Complete all levels of Episode 2
What do you mean "No loot boxes"?
Earn Gold Medals on all levels of Episode 1
Goodguy, Evilguy and Mehguy
Earn Gold Medals on all levels of Episode 2
Ye were not made to live as brutes
Earn Gold Medals on all levels of Episode 3
Some things never End
Play the game on 16th of August
Goodguy: Origins
Start a new game
At least the Music is good
Watch the credits to the end