스팀 최근 평가
스팀 모든 평가
스팀앱 평가
2. 가격 (KRW)
2년 전
₩ 1,100
₩ 1,100
6. 게임 소개
6.1 동영상
6.2 소개
Steel Fight: Fighting game with dynamic gameplay, unique characters and detailed art. Choose one of characters. And travel to the world where steel is the only weapon. Enjoy beautiful stages by facing each opponent.
- Fast and exciting fights
- Unique characters and stages
- Adjustable challenge with difficulty levels
- Enjoy the game in Arcade mode
- Enjoy with another player in Versus mode
7. 도전과제
Drucilee of Bronze
Finish Arcade mode with Drucilee at Easy difficulty
Drucilee of Iron
Finish Arcade mode with Drucilee at Medium difficulty
Drucilee of Steel
Finish Arcade mode with Drucilee at Hard difficulty
Hidko of Bronze
Finish Arcade mode with Hidko at Easy difficulty
Hidko of Iron
Finish Arcade mode with Hidko at Medium difficulty
Hidko of Steel
Finish Arcade mode with Hidko at Hard difficulty
Natsuki of Bronze
Finish Arcade mode with Natsuki at Easy difficulty
Natsuki of Iron
Finish Arcade mode with Natsuki at Medium difficulty
Natsuki of Steel
Finish Arcade mode with Natsuki at Hard difficulty
Shigeto of Bronze
Finish Arcade mode with Shigeto at Easy difficulty
Shigeto of Iron
Finish Arcade mode with Shigeto at Medium difficulty
Shigeto of Steel
Finish Arcade mode with Shigeto at Hard difficulty
Shigmare of Bronze
Finish Arcade mode with Shigmare at Easy difficulty
Shigmare of Iron
Finish Arcade mode with Shigmare at Medium difficulty
Shigmare of Steel
Finish Arcade mode with Shigmare at Hard difficulty
World Conqueror
Finish Arcade mode with Fight Score of eight stars or more
World Conqueror +
Finish Arcade mode with Fight Score of ten stars
Zameid of Bronze
Finish Arcade mode with Zameid at Easy difficulty
Zameid of Iron
Finish Arcade mode with Zameid at Medium difficulty
Zameid of Steel
Finish Arcade mode with Zameid at Hard difficulty