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Pixel Life is a survival game of parenting and civilization building in which you can play as a ancient human and build your civilization with other players or by yourself. Live an entire life in few minutes. You can have babies of your own in the form of other players, and leave a legacy for next generations to help develop civilization.
Hello I am willz, it's my first step to start involving indie games. Why will I want to make a game like Pixel Life, it's a long story and let me introduce you about it. Year ago I was wandering at a vedio site Bilibili and I watched WindGrin's vedio about a survival game, I assume you can guess what game is it, it's One Hour One Life from Jason Rohrer. That principle of parenting and civilization building in this game deeply attracted me, and played it for a long time. Then I modificated the client and make it support Chinese characters to help more players thus I stoped update later. About half year ago, NethorCrow found me and support me restart the localization project, so we built client of localized version and translated crafting referrence site OneTech. Then we started running private server opening ticket requirement from Jason's server. After that I also modificated server code to add some commands like teleportation, currency, bank, shop, cheque ,etc. The engine is great and enough robust to, though some times it occurs some little problem and I can't fully understand some of it, so I started to think making a new engine named Pixel Life.
In this game, you can live few minutes or longer in each life. Your can join game servers as baby to other random selected parents. You denpend on them for your survival. And they are so much fragile as you be to live in this cruel world, so they want to do something meanigful in theirs short lifetime. So they raise you up and help live into adulthood. And you may have babies of your own and in these iteration of generations your civilization buildt and developed.
Differ to other survival games, in Pixel Life you need to research technology to unlock new recipes. For example, as a starting sign of a civilization, written language is the most first technology to research, witch which you can record knowledge into Character carrier like parchment, tortoise shell, bamboo slip. Every researched technology is not shared to all players directly. They need to read written record to learn knowledge and they can research further technologys.
In this game, food is also a interesting part, I will try my best to add all kind of World Cuisine. So players have infinate way to feed themselves.
You can play demo version by clicking button 'Download Demo' in right of this page.
Hello I am willz, it's my first step to start involving indie games. Why will I want to make a game like Pixel Life, it's a long story and let me introduce you about it. Year ago I was wandering at a vedio site Bilibili and I watched WindGrin's vedio about a survival game, I assume you can guess what game is it, it's One Hour One Life from Jason Rohrer. That principle of parenting and civilization building in this game deeply attracted me, and played it for a long time. Then I modificated the client and make it support Chinese characters to help more players thus I stoped update later. About half year ago, NethorCrow found me and support me restart the localization project, so we built client of localized version and translated crafting referrence site OneTech. Then we started running private server opening ticket requirement from Jason's server. After that I also modificated server code to add some commands like teleportation, currency, bank, shop, cheque ,etc. The engine is great and enough robust to, though some times it occurs some little problem and I can't fully understand some of it, so I started to think making a new engine named Pixel Life.
In this game, you can live few minutes or longer in each life. Your can join game servers as baby to other random selected parents. You denpend on them for your survival. And they are so much fragile as you be to live in this cruel world, so they want to do something meanigful in theirs short lifetime. So they raise you up and help live into adulthood. And you may have babies of your own and in these iteration of generations your civilization buildt and developed.
Differ to other survival games, in Pixel Life you need to research technology to unlock new recipes. For example, as a starting sign of a civilization, written language is the most first technology to research, witch which you can record knowledge into Character carrier like parchment, tortoise shell, bamboo slip. Every researched technology is not shared to all players directly. They need to read written record to learn knowledge and they can research further technologys.
In this game, food is also a interesting part, I will try my best to add all kind of World Cuisine. So players have infinate way to feed themselves.
You can play demo version by clicking button 'Download Demo' in right of this page.